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SPECIAL MEETING DECEMBER 11, 2008 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Ms. Carol Davis, 2209 Kendall, South Bend, Indiana, advised that she is not in favor of <br />this bill. She advised that the residents of South Bend are being tax to death. Mr. Davis <br />also scolded all the people in the audience tonight for not attending Council Meetings on <br />a regular basis. She noted that this is just one issue, it happens to be one that touches <br />many people the wrong way, but there are many items that come before the City Council <br />and urged those in attendance tonight to become more active in local government. <br /> <br />Mr. Tom Zmyslo, 51042 Prairie View Way, South Bend, Indiana, spoke in opposition to <br />this bill. He stated that the city spends way too much money on projects like building <br />new libraries, schools etc. Mr. Zmyslo stated that St. Joseph County is one of the biggest <br />spenders of tax dollars next to Marion County and Lake County. He stated that the city <br />needs to live on less and do with less. He noted that this County is not is a recession it is <br />in a depression and urged the Council to vote against this bill. <br /> <br />Mr. Rudy Yakum, III., 51610 Villager Way, South Bend, Indiana, advised the Council <br />that he and his wife are expecting their first child in 2009. He stated that he realizes that <br />with that new baby come extra expenses. He stated he knows that they are going to have <br />to tighten their belts and start saving more and doing with less. He advised that the City <br />of South Bend should do the same. Mr. Yakum noted that the City of South Bend was <br />alerted a couple of years ago that the 2% Circuit Breaker was going into effect, and did <br />nothing to prepare for this. He noted that implementing another LOIT tax is going to <br />create havoc and the taxpayers of South Bend and St. Joseph County have been asked to <br />pay enough. He urged the Council to vote against any new taxes. <br /> <br />Mr. Thomas Hennel, 1130 Donmoyer, South Bend, Indiana, advised that he is here <br />tonight to speak against these bills. He urged the Council to cut costs and grow the tax <br />base in the City. He stated that is the only way to make the City viable again. He noted <br />that it might be a good time to start taxes non-profit organizations that use city services <br />such a police and fire. He urged the Council to take a good hard look at the budget and <br />make the necessary and tough cuts that need to be made. He urged the Council to vote <br />no. <br /> <br />Mr. Wayne Curry, 1050 Burns Avenue, South Bend, Indiana, stated that the City of <br />South Bend needs to expand the tax base and cut spending. He advised that the City of <br />South Bend has created too many Tax Increment Finance Districts and until the State <br />Legislature revises how the money that is collected in those districts can be used, it is <br />costing the taxpayers that are not in those districts to pick up the slack. He noted that <br />there needs to be new sources of revenue coming into the City. He noted that the 2% <br />circuit breaker was put into place to stop the spending of tax dollars by local government <br />officials. Mr. Curry noted that the City of South Bend has one of the highest debt and <br />debt service in the state and that is why South Bend is being hit so hard. He reiterated <br />what one of the early speakers mentioned that the city spends way too much on <br />consultant fees; however, spend the money and do an efficiency study. He noted that it <br />would show that there are way too many employees and that jobs could be consolidated <br />and work can be done more efficiently with fewer manpower. He urged the Council to <br />vote against these bills. <br /> <br />Mr. John Dorsch, 1202 E. Riding Mall, South Bend, Indiana, stated that he is speaking <br />against these bills, however, police and fire protection should not be the first department <br />to be cut if these bills do not pass. He urged the Council to look at outsourcing many of <br />the services that the city provides. This would provide a valuable service to companies <br />that are struggling in these hard economic times. He reiterated that police and fire should <br />not be cut and to look elsewhere in the budget to make cuts. <br /> <br />Ms. Charlotte Bridges, 222 S. Dundee, South Bend, Indiana, stated that she is speaking in <br />opposition to these bills. She stated that she has been sitting in the audience listening to <br />other people around here talking. She advised that everyone here tonight against these <br />bills already feels like this thing is a done deal. They are talking like the <br />Councilmember’s already have their minds made up and that no one is even paying <br />attention to what important issues are being brought up by many concerned citizens here <br /> 13 <br /> <br />