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Joint Meeting of the Personnel and Finance Committee and the Health and Public Safety Committee <br />June 8, 2009 <br />Page 2 <br />Bill No. 09-39 Bill to Appoint An Agent/Negotiator to Represent the South Bend <br />Common Council for 2009 Police and Fire Negotiations: <br />Council President Dieter made the formal presentation on this Bill. He noted that the Council <br />had the opportunity to discuss ideas with regard to strategy during their Executive Session. <br />He noted that he believes that all ideas and concerns were properly addressed. He added <br />that he has received additional information from Council Member White. <br />Council Member White stated that there must be clear direction this year to the City's Agent <br />and to those who will be selected by the Council President to be a part of an advisory <br />negotiating team. She noted that as the Council and Administration are very much aware, <br />monies are limited and discussion of such items as the take home car program and how it <br />impacts the city financially for those who live in the city and those who live out of the city <br />would be in order. The atmosphere in which negotiations will take place will require the <br />Council to be engaged in the process during Executive Sessions so that clear guidance is <br />being given. <br />Council Members Oliver Davis and Henry Davis, Jr. concurred with Council Member White's <br />remarks. <br />Council Member Rouse noted that he has expressed many of his concerns. In light of <br />yesterday's article in the South Bend Tribune, he is even more concerned in light of the <br />Mayor's comments. The safety of our public safety officers and our citizens is critical.. The <br />letter sent to Dr. Varner from the Controller on distressed unit appeals; the city's bond rating; <br />etc. are all items which will have to be carefully discussed in light of the "upcoming crisis". He <br />stressed the need for all Council Members to participate in the upcoming Executive Sessions <br />to discuss strategy so that they are comprehensive. <br />Dr. Varner noted that he sees the DUAB not as a solution but as a piece of the puzzle. <br />Sharing costs for different reasons to solve issues should always be pursued. There are a <br />number of steps which the city must go through to properly~solve our financial concerns. <br />Council Member White stressed the need for the Council to be prepared, to do their <br />homework and to be at the table. <br />Following discussion, Council Member Puzzello made a motion, seconded by Dr. Varner that <br />Bill No. 09-39 receive a favorable recommendation by the joint committees. The motion <br />passed. <br />Miscellaneous Business: <br />Council Member Henry Davis, Jr. noted that he is very concerned about the increasing <br />number of lots throughout the city which have high grass and weeds. He suggested that a <br />