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PARC Committee <br />2009 South Bend Cammon Council <br />The June 8, 2009 meeting of the PARC Committee was called to order by its Chairperson, Council <br />Member Ann Puzzello at 4:31 p.m. in the Council Informal Meeting Room. <br />Persons in attendance included Council Members Dieter, Henry Davis, Jr., LaFountain, Puzzello, <br />Varner, Oliver J. Davis, Rouse and White; Mayor Stephen J. Luecke, Public Works Director Gary <br />Gilot, City Controller M. Catherine Fanello, Potawatomi Zoo Director Terry DeRosa, Marty <br />Wolfson, Martha Lewis, Rita Kopola, and Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand. <br />Council Member Puzzello noted that the Committee consists of Council Members Rouse, Oliver J. <br />Davis, Kirsits and herself, and that Martha Lewis is a citizen member. <br />Update on the Potawatomi Zoo: <br />Council Member Puzzello introduced Potawatomi Zoo Director Terry DeRosa. She noted that in <br />light of the upcoming review by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) of the Potawatomi <br />Zoo, she thought it would be important for the Committee to have an update on the improvements <br />and upgrades made to the zoo my Mr. DeRoasa. <br />Mr. DeRosa noted that the AZA was founded in 1924, and is dedicated to the advancement of <br />accredited zoos and aquariums in the areas of animal care, wildlife conservation, education and <br />science. AZA is America's leading accrediting organization for zoos and aquariums. The AZA <br />accredits only those institutions that have achieved rigorous standards for animal care, education, <br />wildlife conservation and science. <br />Mr. DeRosa stated that approximately $1.4 million has been earmarked for zoo improvements and <br />upgards. He noted that a 3-member AZA Team will be in South Bend next week for the review of <br />the Potawatomi Zoo. <br />Mr. DeRosa then presented apower-point presentation which highlighted the major improvements <br />made to the Potawatomi Zoo. He noted that he and his staff captured improvements during their <br />various phases to confirm and document each one. Mr. DeRosa then reviewed: <br />• Improvements to the Learning Center <br />• Upgrades to the Animal Exhibits <br />• Heating & ventilating system upgrades/replacements <br />• Separation of ventilation systems -one for the animals and one for people <br />• Installation of twenty (20) new doors and locks <br />• Upgrades to the Flamingo Building <br />• Upgrades to the Tiger Building <br />