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Community/Campus Advisory Coalition (CCAC) <br />April 2, 2009 Meeting Minutes <br />Page 3 <br />Off Camqus President <br />Marguerite Taylor said that she recently learned that there is an off campus <br />student president. Many of the members of the Coalition did not know that there is an <br />off campus student president and questioned why he was not a member of the Coalition <br />since many of the safety issues concern students living off campus. Currently there is <br />no off campus housing office. The Office of Residence Life was helping with finding off <br />campus housing, but found it was not a good use of resources. <br />Mark Kramer has worked with the off campus president this year organizing <br />block parties and found him to be very helpful. Cathy Toppel would like to work with the <br />off campus president particularly on zoning issues affecting student housing. Bob Reish <br />said the off campus students will be electing a new president in the next week and he <br />will let Cathy know who the new president is. <br />Zoning Issues <br />Mark Kramer said he was recently informed by three of his tenants that they <br />would be moving into The Foundry this fall. They said they would be sharing an <br />apartment. He questioned whether more than two unrelated persons could share a <br />single unit. After phoning The Foundry and Irish Crossings, he found they were indeed <br />renting to multiple tenants in the same unit and were marketing the apartments to <br />students. He questioned whether there is a misunderstanding that a PUD can have <br />more than two unrelated people in a single unit. <br />Council Member Tim Rouse said research will need to be done to look at the <br />plans developers submitted to the Council as well as the Memorandums of Agreement <br />and the minutes of the Council meetings to see if there is a violation of current zoning <br />laws. <br />Other Issues <br />Council Member Kirsits asked neighborhood representatives how things have <br />been this year. Neighborhood representative Matthew Costello said he has been very <br />pleased this year. Parties have ended early and the neighborhood has been quiet. <br />Mark Kramer said he sends reminder emails to his tenants before special events <br />to remind them to act responsibly. He has fired his security firm and hired three off-duty <br />police officers. The officers take the time to talk with students and are more proactive <br />than the security firm was. Mr. Kramer also reported that after a St. Patrick's Day <br />celebration got out of hand, he evicted one of his tenants. Excise Police were called out <br />