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~~;~~ ~'~ <br />'m'w~ ~, L'f~~' <br /><t ~>>~ <br />~~~~~~'~~ COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE <br />MAY 26, 2009 <br />Committee Members Present: Timothy Rouse, Chairperson; Henry Davis, Vice- <br />Chairperson; Ann Puzzello; Karen White; Catherine <br />Andres, Citizen Member <br />Other Council Members Present: Derek Dieter; Tom LaFountain <br />Others Present: Gary Gilot; Rita Kopala; David Relos, Don Inks, Phil <br />Byrd, Allert Brown-Gort; Bill Schalliol <br />Agenda: Bill No. 09-40 -Adds Hansel Center to West Washington-Chapin Development <br />Area. This bill approves the actions by the South Bend Redevelopment <br />Commission and the St. Joseph County Area Plan Commission to add the <br />Hansel Center at 1405 W. Washington to the acquisition list. <br />Chairperson Timothy Rouse opened consideration of the approval request by recognizing Bill <br />Schalliol to make the presentation. He along with David Relos also of the Economic <br />Development Department, Phil Byrd of South Bend Heritage, and Allert Brown-Gort of the Center <br />for Latino Studies at Notre Dame outlined the request proposal. The proposal, as described, <br />would be a joint venture between the City and Notre Dame to acquire the old Hansel Center, re- <br />hab the structure, transfer ownership and maintenance responsibilities to Notre Dame, all to <br />house the Notre Dame Center for Art and Culture. Cost to the city using TIF funds $370,000, <br />additional rehab dollars to be borne by Notre Dame, approximately $1.2 million. Notre Dame <br />would operate the building as a neighborhood and cultural center housing an office of Latino <br />Studies and afine-art print house relocating here from Tempe Arizona. The presenters stated the <br />project would attract permanent jobs, improve the diversity of the economic base, add to a <br />museum/arts district, and attract additional private investment to the neighborhood. <br />Councilmember Henry Davis, representing the 2"d District, home of the project, questioned <br />whether this was the best use of TIF dollars for the neighborhood. His preference would be to <br />use the funds to bring jobs and more assessed value to the area. Councilmember Rouse wonder <br />whether other parties were given access to TIF dollars as was Notre Dame. <br />