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~;; ~~` <br />~~'°;;~~ <br />- --. ~ ,ZONING & ANNEXATION COMMITTEE <br />MAY 11, 2009 <br />Committee Members Present: AI "Buddy" Kirsits, Chairperson Tom LaFountain; <br />David Varner <br />Other Council Present: Derek Dieter; Henry Davis; Ann Puzzello; Karen White <br />Others Present: Don Irminger; Larry Van Overberghe, Christa Nayder; Mark <br />Lyons; Mike Divita; Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand; Jamie Loo, <br />Renya Benitez <br />Agenda: Bill No. 13-09 -Rezone request for 2517 ad 2521 Western Avenue <br />This bill would rezone the above parcels from MU mixed use to CB Community Business. <br />Chairman Kirsits asked the petitioners to make a presentation. Mrs. Benitez said the requested <br />rezone would allow a car collision repair and used car show lot. Christa Nayder reported for the <br />Area Plan Commission noting they had sent an unfavorable recommendation to Council. The <br />Area Plan Commission had felt the use which would require several variances was to intense for <br />the location. Mike Divita representing Community & Economic Development passed along an <br />unfavorable position stating the proposed use was not in compliance with the city's land use plan. <br />Councilmember's Henry Davis and Karen White spoke in opposition to the request. On a motion <br />by Tom LaFountain and seconded by Councilmember Varner, condoned by all an unfavorable <br />recommendation is sent to the Council. <br />Bill No. 16-09 -Rezone 117 N. Taylor Street <br />This bill requests a change from MU mixed use to SF2 Single Family and Two Family District <br />At Chairperson Kirsits request the petitioner Don Irminger stated the change would allow the <br />construction of a garage on his property. He evidenced support from the neighbors, the <br />Economic Development Department and a favorable recommendation from the Area Plan <br />Commission. On a motion by Councilmember Varner and a second by Councilmember <br />LaFountain the bill goes to Council favorably having gotten affirmation by all. <br />