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REGULAR MEETING APRIL 27, 2009 <br /> <br /> <br />Rebecca Gipson, 3929 Irish Hills Apt. 3A, stated that she is representing IUSB’s Family <br />Student Union. Ms. Gipson stated that fifty years ago five of the nine Council <br />representatives would not have been here and thirty years before that four other’s would <br />have been gone as well. It is 2009 and it is time for South Bend and all of the <br />communities within the United States to begin to judge people solely on their merit and <br />not just on the color of their skin, their gender, their sexual orientation or anything other <br />than has to do with their job performance. <br /> <br />Elizabeth Mooney – IUSB, stated that she teaches sex research at the Kinzie Institute at <br />IUSB. Ms. Mooney stated that she was before this Council three years ago explaining <br />that sexual orientation is not something that anyone chooses we are all born with a sexual <br />orientation. She stated that she is embarrassed that South Bend has not included sexual <br />orientation in its non-discrimination policies. She stated that because of the genome <br />studies that people come out of their mother’s uterus with a sexual orientation. It is not <br />something that anybody chooses, it is not a preference, its there. She stated that we don’t <br />choose to be blue eyed, or to be left handed or right handed, and don’t choose our sexual <br />orientation. It is time that everyone grow up, it’s 2009, let’s get it together, get it on the <br />agenda, let’s past it and put it to rest so three years from now, she doesn’t have to come <br />and tell everyone again. <br /> <br />Caitlin Worm – 107 S. Williams, North Liberty, Indiana, stated that she is the President <br />of the College Democrats at IUSB and Chairperson of the Northern Indiana College <br />Democrats and it’s a consortium of all the local universities. She stated that they have <br />done a lot over the past few years in the community and are looking to do more. She <br />stated that candidates that they have worked for are in favor of human rights. She stated <br />that there is no way that she would ever work on a campaign for anyone that wasn’t a <br />supporter of human rights. She commended and thanked Tom LaFountain because that <br />was one of the issues that was asked by the College Democrats and he responded that <br />absolutely he would extend the Human Rights Ordinance to include Sexual Orientation. <br />She also thanked Ann Puzzello for her prior support for this amendment and Al “Buddy” <br />Kirsits too. She urged the Council to consider amending the human rights ordinance to <br />include language for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered persons. She pleaded the <br />Council to provide equal protection under the law for all residents regardless of sexual <br />orientation or gender identity. She also stated that by supporting such actions it <br />represents main street Hoosier values of fairness and equality. She quoted Bishop Darcy <br />“Everyone deserves to be treated fairly and with dignity, everyone should enjoy the same <br />basic human rights.” This is a basic human rights and it is something that is not chosen. <br />She stated that people are being discriminated against by people who just think that <br />someone is homosexual and that isn’t the case at all. She noted that they could be fired <br />and that would be perfectly legal. She used Councilmember Dieter as an example on the <br />South Bend Police Department and someone on the department thought he was <br />homosexual, they could fire him and that would be legal. She stated that she doesn’t <br />think that is right. Ms. Worm urged the Council to amend the human rights ordinance. <br /> <br />Mr. McCarthy, 815 ½ N. Main Street, Mishawaka, Indiana, stated that he is the <br />Sociology Club President at IUSB and he calls upon the Council to pass legislation <br />amending the South Bend Human Rights Ordinance to extend human rights protections <br />throughout the entire city. He pleaded with the Council to provide equal protection under <br />the law for all residents regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. He stated that <br />such support represents Main Street Hoosier values and fairness and equality. He stated <br />that without question everyone deserves to be treated fairly and with dignity and should <br />be able to enjoy the same basic human rights. He stated that by discriminating against a <br />certain sect of people, the city is cutting out human capital that could be best served in the <br />community. He stated that people, who are productive and able to work, may be being <br />cut out of contributing to the community. A Community that so desperately needs new <br />revenue coming into its tax base. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 11 <br /> <br />