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r <br />~~~ <br />.~~~ ~ <br />m <br />~-h <br />' -1PERSONNEL AND FINANCE & <br />HEALTH AND PUBLIC SAFETY APRIL 27, 2009 <br />P & F Committee Members Present: Tom LaFountain, Chairperson; David Varner, Vice- <br />Chairperson; Karen White; Oliver Davis <br />HPS Committee Members Present: Karen White, Chairperson; Ann Puzzello; <br />Henry Davis, Jr.; Marcus Ellison, Citizen Member <br />Other Council Members Present: Derek Dieter; AI "Buddy" Kirsits <br />Others Present: Catherine Fanello; Gary Gilot; Mayor Luecke; <br />Chuck Leone; Jamie Loo; Kathy Cekanski-Farrand; <br />Carol Davis; Martha Lewis; Kamesha Williams <br />Agenda: Bill 28-09 - Creating a Police Take Home Vehicle Fund <br />Tom LaFountain, Chairperson, Personnel & Finance Committee noting a substitute Bill No. 28-09, <br />was filed accepted a motion to hear the sub from Councilmember Karen White, followed by a <br />second from Councilmember Puzzello then support from all. <br />Catherine Fanello, City Controller, made the presentation. She said the request to establish new <br />Fund #278 was for accounting clarity allowing better tracking of contributions to and withdrawals <br />from the fund. Currently monthly contributions from police officers participating in the Take Home <br />Vehicle Liability Program are deposited in the Liability Insurance Fund #226 where they are <br />mingled with other monies. Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand noted the Council would <br />control the life of the fund and the money in it. Councilmember Varner asked how much money <br />was being transferred. Fanello stated the balance was not just over $166,000. On a motion to <br />recommend favorably and a second in support by Karen White, subsequently supported by all, <br />the bill went to full Council favorably. <br />Bill No. 29-09 -User fees for Special Services provided by the South Bend <br />Police Department <br />Karen White chairing this portion of the committee hearing head President Dieter recount the <br />Council's pledge to hold additional meetings to gather better information before establishing fees <br />asked for disposition. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis motioned the bill be set for action on Monday, June 8, 2009. <br />Councilmember Puzzello seconded the motion which got support from all. <br />