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She went on to ask for clarification in regard to what Council's course of action should be if they <br />find assessed fees to be unfair or unreasonable. <br />Ms. DeRose said the question of reasonableness should addressed by the Board of Works who <br />looks at the evidence in an exacting and detailed manner. <br />Chairperson Voorde interjected that the Council can choose to not pass the ordinance at which <br />point the administration could choose to respond or not. Council could also draft a letter to <br />Public Works or the Mayor contesting that the fees are injurious to public welfare. <br />Ms. DeRose argued that she is unsure as to whether that is the correct course of action to ensure <br />equity in this case. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis asked that each department include their projected fee schedules or <br />intent to change fees within the budget process. <br />Councilmember Regina Williams- Preston spoke to the question of Council authority and asked <br />for better communication between departments in terms of evidence provided to Council review <br />and assess actual fairness and reasonableness. <br />Council Attorney Cekanski- Farrand suggested that Council amend City Code to address their <br />scope of authority in the fee schedule review process. <br />Randy Wilkerson agreed to meet with all Councilmembers regarding concerns of fee schedules <br />and Code Enforcement practices. <br />Chairperson Voorde transitioned to Bill No. 12 -16- Landlord registration program sharing that <br />sponsor Tim Scott asked for the bill to be continued until May 9th <br />With no further business, he adjourned the committee at 6:34 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />J Chairperson <br />4 <br />