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Councilmember Oliver Davis argued that these points of enforcement need to be clarified so the <br />public understands how to navigate the process of registration. <br />Councilmember Jo M. Broden added that the Board of Public Works approves applications for <br />downtown events. She asked for clarification regarding the relationship between the Board of <br />Works and DTSB. <br />Aladean DeRose discussed that all large events have to register through the Board of Works. <br />Councilmember Varner followed up with a question regarding the definition of "suitable" <br />solicitation for buskers. <br />Ms. DeRose explained that solicitation can be passive but not aggressive per the regulations laid <br />out in the City's Solicitation Ordinance. <br />Chairperson Voorde asked about age restrictions and identification. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis interjected a question regarding legal challenges and concerns <br />regarding not allowing busking at certain events. <br />Ms. DeRose explained that the ordinance had been reviewed in detail with the ACLU, and the <br />lawsuit would be dismissed pending passage of the proposed ordinance. <br />Chairperson Voorde opened the floor up for public hearing. There was no one to speak in favor <br />or against the bill. <br />Councilmember Karen White moved that Bill No. 19 -16 go to full Council favorably. Her <br />motion was seconded by Councilmember Oliver Davis and carried by four (4) ayes. <br />Chairperson Voorde introduced Code Enforcement Bills Nos. 05 -16 and 06 -16. The bills <br />propose raises in the Code Enforcement fee schedule for various nuisance abatement. <br />Chairperson Voorde explained that both bills have been formally withdrawn from the record. He <br />spoke briefly about an earlier Health & Public Safety Committee meeting in which the public <br />extensively addressed their concerns regarding Code Enforcement fees and practice. Due to a <br />miscommunication, he said, administration was unavailable to answer questions at that meeting. <br />The bills were only still on the current agenda to address public and Council questions and <br />concerns that hadn't been addressed by Code Enforcement at earlier meetings. <br />Chairperson Voorde went on to discuss Council's scope of authority in regard to Code <br />Enforcement's fee schedule as a major question and point of clarification. Chairperson Voorde <br />clarified the concern explaining that the Board of Public Works has the authority to approve fees. <br />Council's only role is to review the schedule and decide if the fees are fair and reasonable. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis asked how Council proceeds if they find the fees to be unfair or <br />unreasonable. What teeth does a resolution hold in this case? <br />