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He submitted proposals for an alternate design for the City Flag to the City Clerk's Office. He <br />reminded the Council that they had the authority to disapprove the design in consideration of all <br />of the original design contest stipulations, especially, innovation and ethnic diversity. He went <br />on to discuss his design choices for his flag submission. <br />Chairperson Williams - Preston thanked Mr. King and directed the conversation back to Council. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis agreed with Mr. King's comments and appreciated the fact that his <br />design encompassed the winning design and added design elements to encompass diversity and <br />innovation. He reminded Council that we are not Chicago and thanked Mr. King for his <br />comments. <br />Councilmember David Varner added comments regarding his concern of the red star noting the <br />historic symbolism of a red star is related to communism. Dr. Varner went on to state he doesn't <br />believe that symbolism is representation of our City's culture and it could be better represented <br />by another symbol with six points. He also thought the City's emphasis on sustainability and <br />green - living were omitted by the current proposed flag design. Councilman Varner agrees that <br />diversity is also an important theme. He concluded with thoughts regarding his discomfort with <br />the red star as a representation for South Bend. <br />Chairperson Williams- Preston addressed the Council for more questions or concerns. There <br />were none. <br />In light of no quorum, Chairperson Williams- Preston continued Bill No. 07 -16 until the April <br />25' meeting, and adjourned the Community Relations Committee at 4:15 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />4 <br />Preston, Chairperson <br />