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can be viewed as criminalization of the poor. There are other ways to address dealing with <br />dilapidated houses without paying any attention to what these demolitions will do to the <br />neighborhood. It seems Code Enforcement is acting as the bully to push these people out of their <br />neighborhoods and homes. Mr. Duncan asked is there some type of development coming or is <br />someone in the City pushing for some new development for the Westside because this is classic <br />gentrification. Hearing the things that have been proposed it looks like being poor is off - limits in <br />South Bend or working -class is off limits in South Bend and it does disentivize people to invest <br />in South Bend. As a young person in college, Mr. Duncan stated this makes him not want to <br />remain here once he comes into some money. There needs to be some accountability, especially <br />for what has happened this evening, and it seems they have tried to circumvent the Common <br />Council. <br />Alicia Ortiz, Portage Indiana, stated she invests in this City but she is getting out because of <br />Code Enforcement along with several other of her investors. She stated that Code Enforcement <br />has said if there is one house left on a block they will take that house. She stated she heard a <br />Code Enforcement officer bragging about issuing 1,800 tickets for lawn mowing in one day for <br />his area. People are being targeted, especially on the North Side by Code Enforcement. Ms. Ortiz <br />gave a number of examples of Code Enforcement mistreating her and fining her way more than <br />was necessary including a story. where they accidentally started demolishing her house when it <br />was really another house they were supposed to demolish. <br />Lynn Collier, a representative of Life Long Residents for the 1 St, 2nd; and 6th Districts, stated she <br />is a lifetime resident and is not sure what the common vision is for this City going forward and <br />other seniors seem to think the same thing. Right here in South Bend it is blatant the <br />gentrification going on. Her number one question is what is going to happen next in the City and <br />who is going to be accountable. Code Enforcement has just had a huge turnover and all new <br />people and in the most distressed parts of town they have all new people. What is the City going <br />to do now with all this vacant land in South Bend. We have many rodents and animals living in <br />these vacant lots especially all over the 2nd District. Is anybody going to investigate any of these <br />horrible stories. <br />Fred Preston asked who Code Enforcement answers to. <br />Councilmember John Voorde responded it is a City Department. <br />Councilmember Karen White stated there are so many unanswered questions dealing with these <br />two (2) bills. An email should go to Code Enforcement asking if they are going to withdraw the <br />bills, what are the reasons for withdrawing, the time frame and also if they are still planning to <br />pursue these fees. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis asked that the email also CC the Mayor Buttigieg, Legal <br />Department and also James Mueller so that they would be included in the conversation. <br />Councilmember Karen White stated the other concerns regarding Code Enforcmenet is a much <br />broader issue that also needs to be addressed. <br />