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COMMUNITY INVESTMENT MARCH 29, 2016 3:30 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Gavin Ferlic, Oliver Davis, Randy Kelly, William Smith <br />Committee Members Absent: Regina Williams- Preston (Excused) <br />Other Council Present: Karen White, Tim 'Scott, John Voorde, Jo M. Broden <br />Others Present: Alkeyna Aldridge, Joseph Molnar, Adriana Rodriguez <br />Kathleen Cekanski- Farrand <br />Agenda: Bill 16 -30 — Correcting Scrivener's Error in Res. <br />No. 4537 -16: Retail Property at Washington Square LLC <br />Bill No. 16 -31 — Designating Real Property Tax Abatement, <br />County Development, LLC <br />Chairperson Gavin Ferlic called the Community Investment Committee to order with two bills <br />on the agenda. He introduced William Smith as a new citizen member of the Community <br />Investment Committee. <br />Bill 16 -30 — Correcting Scrivener's Error in Res. No. 4537 -16: Retail Property at Washington <br />Square LLC <br />Brian Pawlowski, Assistant Executive Director of Community Investment with offices on the <br />14th Floor of the County -City Building, served as the presenter for this bill. He explained this is <br />fixing a scrivener's error in Resolution No. 4537 -16 which had the wrong tax identification <br />number. This new bill would fix that error. <br />There were no questions from Council or comments from the public. <br />Councilmember Randy Kelly made a motion to send Bill 16 -30 to the full Council with a <br />favorable recommendation. Committee member Will Smith seconded the motion which carried <br />by a voice vote of four (4) ayes. <br />Bill No. 16 -31 — Designating Real Property Tax Abatement, County Development, LLC <br />Brian Pawlowski, Assistant Executive Director of Community Investment with offices on the <br />14th Floor of the County -City Building, served as the presenter for this bill. This new forty <br />thousand (40,000) square feet grocery store will consist of over six (6) million dollars in new <br />construction on the west side of town. The estimated taxes to be abated are around $464,000 and <br />estimated taxes to be paid are around $715,000. This will create thirteen (13) new jobs which is <br />in addition to the jobs already in existence at their current facility on the west side. <br />Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski - Farrand stated that the Council is only acting on the <br />designating tax abatement not the confirmatory. <br />