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This ordinance would be self - enforcing. People follow the law ahundred (400) affected re really as a result citations <br />not needed. For example, the City of Indianapolis had over four citations. When laws are passed <br />establishments and in the first year they issued around three (3) <br />people follow the law. A volunteer line establishedf by Smoke Free St. Joe will help take away <br />calls are received Code Enfor cement will go <br />any burden from Code Enforcement. If a number o <br />take a look at the property. If that business is only open after 5:0 out and make will <br />a check to <br />the <br />Police Dept. potentially using the volunteer police officers g orcement <br />enforce. Again overtime these ordinances are self - enforcing. Both te and Enf <br />expe ations of hem. <br />Police Department stated they were comfortable with the <br />Indiana Code has given cities an express right to pass an in thec ast due to their exemptions,e e that is more <br />than the state law. Many ordinances have been challeng ed p <br />this bill contains no exemptions. Any sort of indoor ided an <br />workplace will <br />exempt on and did not include <br />policy. Some cite the Evansville case from 201 y p <br />a severability clause. This bill does have a severability clause to preserve the remainder le al experts and found thus the <br />ordinance. This ordinance was reviewed by national and g <br />ordinance is valid. <br />In terms of helping the businesses affected by the ordinance there 017 Smoke Free St. ole will will be support <br />them including the extended implementation time to January <br />provide marketing seminars, the administration will help with permitting for letting the bars <br />ible invest in outdoor patios and the process will be <br />St Joe in terms of social medna propmo on for any <br />American Lung Association and Smoke Free <br />bars that might decide to go smoke free before the implementation date, as well as help with <br />signage and education regarding the ordinance. <br />One argument that has been heard is the case of the City banikwas pas ed immediately before the <br />effect the smoking ban had in Elkhart. Elkhart 's smoking <br />Great Recession and Elkhart had the third highest unemployment lme period it clearly was for <br />during that time. If any sort of businesses suffer g <br />multiple reasons. At the time the or was passed Elkhart was already <br />which has gebounded and <br />P <br />employment. But than when rebound <br />passed. <br />is at levels higher <br />Co <br />uncilmember Ferlic cautioned the Council from viewing anecdotal on this ine . and <br />provided asked <br />to look at the academic and peer reviewed studies conducted ow des ite the recession and <br />case of Plainfield IN which saw their food and beverage tax g r P <br />town's ban on smoking in public places to show everyone can bring anecdotal evidence forward <br />to tell the story they want. <br />Chairperson Voorde explained the structure of the Committee meeting and the Committee can <br />send the bill forward with favorable or no recommendation. <br />give the public more opportunity to speak to forgo <br />Councilmember Karen White stated to h p <br />uestions from the Committee and just let the public speak. The councilmembers can ask <br />q <br />questions at the full Council meeting later that evening. <br />3 <br />