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PERSONNEL & FINANCE <br />MARCH 14, 2016 5:12 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Karen White, Gavin Ferlic, Regina Williams- Preston, <br />John Voorde <br />Other Council Present: Tim Scott, Randy Kelly, Jo M. Broden, Oliver Davis <br />Others Present: Jennifer Coffinan, Joseph Molnar, Kathleen Cekanski - Farrand <br />Adriana Rodriguez <br />Agenda: City Controller John Murphy, Office of Finance and Administration <br />Chairperson Karen White called the meeting to order with one item on the agenda. <br />John Murphy, City Controller with offices on the 12th Floor of the County -City Building, gave an <br />overview presentation of the Administration and Finance Department. The presentation began <br />with the senior members of the Administration and Finance staff introducing themselves to the <br />Council and explaining their roles within the department. <br />John Murphy went over the accomplishments of the department over the past year. They pride <br />themselves for their AA Bond rating which last year saved the city $5.6 million dollars in <br />refunding savings. Every report the department puts out is accessible online. Regarding human <br />resources, the big initiative has been the Health Clinic opening this past January. The department <br />is excited about the possibilities of cost reduction the clinic will bring and it has been a great <br />success so far. The employee handbook was revamped for the first time in a number of years. <br />Both the Human Resources division and the Human Rights division of the department have <br />hosted a number of events over the past year with great community involvement. <br />The Human Rights Commission handled over 5,000 inquiries last year and has worked with the <br />various departments around the City, especially the Fire and Police Departments, to help them <br />with their hiring practices. <br />The City has one of the lowest worker's compensation cost per person in the area. Overall <br />worker's compensation claims were reduced from 2014 to 2015 and the general trend has been <br />down over the past ten (10) years. <br />The department is aiming to move towards a priority based budgeting and the Council will look <br />at that in the future. It helps budget costs by program which are perceived as more meaningful <br />than just accounts and budgets. The department will also attempt a Popular Annual Financial <br />report which will be more citizen friendly in the terms of readability. <br />Chairperson Karen White thanked John Murphy for all the work his department put in during the <br />budget process last year. This was the first year she heard no comments from the community <br />about not having enough information or opportunity for public input. She thanked the team for <br />responding to the questions in such a fast and efficient manner. <br />