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net jobs and retain fourteen (14) jobs. The estimated taxes abated will be just over $234,000 and <br />the estimated taxes to be paid will be just over $346,000. <br />Velvet Canada, 121 S Niles Ave, served as the presenter for this bill. She is the designer of the <br />proposed building. The building site is between LaSalle and Colfax on Sycamore Rd. This is a <br />five (5) story building with a rooftop terrace being the sixth (6) story. This is the first apartment <br />building in downtown for Mathews LLC. Each floor has a one (1) bedroom, two (2) bedroom <br />and three (3) bedroom floor plan. This will help the company discover exactly what the market <br />wants in downtown before beginning the River Race Flats. The design is very close to <br />completion and weather permitting construction will begin soon. <br />Councilmember Randy Kelly asked how many apartments will the building have total. <br />Velvet Canada responded there will be twelve (12) apartments total as it is a small test run. <br />No one from the public spoke in favor or in opposition to the bill. <br />Councilmember Randy Kelly made a motion to send Bill 16 -18 to the full Council with a <br />favorable recommendation. Councilmember Regina Williams- Preston seconded the motion <br />which carried by a vote of three (3) ayes. <br />Bill No. 16 -19 Personal Property Tax Abatement, Spectron mrc, LLC <br />Jacob Alexander, Community Investment with offices on the 14th Floor of the County City <br />Building, served as the presenter for this bill. He explained Spectron is a locally owned business <br />currently located at 17490 Dougdale Dr. and has operated in the area for twenty (20) years. <br />Spectron is a radio - pharmacy and radio - pharmaceutical manufacturer. The company participates <br />in manufacturing for nuclear medicine departments within hospitals and clinics. This abatement <br />will allow them to purchase $2.7 million dollars in new equipment and expand their business and <br />production opportunities which will create thirty -nine (39) permanent jobs. The estimated taxes <br />to be abated are $109,315 and total taxes to be paid are $129,172. <br />Gregory Hiatt, 17490 Dugdale Dr. South Bend, served as the petitioner for this bill. Mr. Hiatt <br />explained the science behind what Spectron currently does and what this new equipment will <br />enable them to do going forward. The company is licensed with the nuclear regulatory <br />commission and licensed with the FDA. There has been a worldwide shortage on the products <br />that these new machines will be able to produce. <br />Councilmember Karen White asked what the average salary of the thirty -nine (39) new full time <br />positions would be. <br />Mr. Hiatt responded a few would be delivery positions between ten (10) and fourteen (14) dollars <br />an hour. The majority being added will be pharmacists and technicians with average salary <br />ranging from $60,000 a year to $150,000. <br />