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Chief Cox went on to explain the water rescue preparedness of the fire department. They have a <br />dive team which recovers vehicles and bodies. The aim is to be able to get to people in their <br />moment of need while they are still in the river and trying to get out. The department has two (2) <br />boats that respond to water emergencies. The fire department also provides all of the training <br />required for the Indiana water rescue school, and South Bend's is a nationally known school. <br />People from New York, California, and Chicago come to South Bend to be trained at our river <br />rescue school. <br />The department also responds to hazmat calls. According to an ordinance, the Fire Department <br />can bill anyone for spills that they have to respond to. <br />Chief Cox explained that the department also does technical rescue and response training. <br />Examples include the rescue of window washers on the side of a tall building, extricating a <br />construction worker from the earth, and taking the necessary steps to rescue those trapped after a <br />plane crashed into a South Bend home a few years ago. <br />One of the priorities that Chief Cox mentioned is diversifying the workforce in the Fire <br />Department. The department is somewhat diverse, but not adequately so. The department puts <br />on a camp for Girl Scouts to learn about a career in the Fire Department, and it has been very <br />well received. Another priority is a healthier Fire Department, which is why they have a very <br />robust fitness program. <br />Chief Cox encouraged the Council to reach out to him at any time with questions, comments or <br />concerns. <br />Councilmember Kelly commended Chief Cox for the time he and his staff have spent traveling <br />around his district to communicate with the public to keep them informed. <br />The combined emergency dispatch was discussed, and Chief Cox indicated that while the project <br />is not yet complete, he and Police Chief Ruzkowski are happy with the direction that things are <br />moving in, even though he wishes it would have moved faster. <br />Council President Scott asked for a later presentation over the combined emergency dispatch, <br />and thanked Chief Cox for everything the Fire Department does. He explained that after the <br />plane crash, he saw the things they had just approved in the budget put to good use. <br />Councilmember Broden brought up Girls on the Run as an opportunity for the Fire Department <br />to reach out to young girls, and Chief Cox stated that they will be at their next event. <br />With no further business before the Committee, Chairperson John Voorde adjourned the meeting <br />at 5:10 p.m. <br />Respectful Submitte <br />John Vo ai <br />5 <br />