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would be able to have a more substantial discussion between council members as well as with <br />the public. <br />Council President Tim Scott commented that they had discussed modifying article 8, Section 6- <br />37 to specifically give the authority of raising Code Enforcement fees to either the Council or the <br />Board of Public Works <br />Ms. Reed Outlaw explained that under state law, the Board of Public Works has the authority to <br />investigate and set fees, and under Home Rule, and it is the Council's job to determine whether <br />or not the new fees are reasonable. <br />Linda Wolfson welcomes the idea of making it more transparent, but she thinks that it would be <br />helpful if they had more information to be able to understand the process. She would be in favor <br />of anything that would provide an opportunity for more support and more involvement and <br />understanding. <br />Chairperson Voorde concluded that there is a need for a special committee meeting before the <br />next scheduled meeting, and Council Attorney Cekanski - Farrand mentioned that President Scott <br />does not want anything else scheduled for the next meeting, so if continued, this bill wouldn't be <br />heard until the April 11 th meeting. <br />Councilmember Kelly asked if they could move forward with the bill without having their <br />questions answered, or if the answers will directly impact this bill. <br />Councilmember Regina Williams- Preston asked how the improvements in efficiency reduced the <br />costs associated with the abatements of property and what the fees that are collected are used for. <br />Mr. Wilkinson stated that the fees collected would go into the unsafe building fund, ending the <br />need for the Department of Code Enforcement to take money from the General Funds to do the <br />abatements in the future. <br />Coouncilmember Davis requested that Mr. Wilkinson answer the questions that were submitted. <br />Chairperson Voorde asked for a recommendation to call a special meeting of the committee. <br />Councilmember Davis made a motion that the committee table Bill Nos. 05 -16 and 06 -16 until <br />another meeting, with a date to be determined at tonight's council meeting, is held. The motion <br />was seconded by Committee Member White. <br />Council President Scott made a recommendation to separate out issues with these two bills and <br />other code issues to make sure that it is focused. <br />Council Attorney Cekanski - Farrand clarified that from a legal perspective, they are to look at the <br />reasonableness of the cost - recovery program, and that's it. The other issues are ancillary to it, <br />unless legal says otherwise. <br />3 <br />