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Community/Campus Advisory Coalition (CCAC) <br />February 11, 2009 Meeting Minutes <br />Page 4 <br />community interaction. Mike Carrington said the key is communication even if <br />that means knocking on doors and introducing yourself to your neighbor. Sgt. <br />Ross agreed that the best way to start communicating is one on one rather than <br />at large gatherings. <br />Marguerite Taylor commented that every year in May the Notre Dame Student <br />Body President hosts a gathering attended by student government members and <br />community leaders. She suggested that perhaps this gathering should be held <br />in the fall with the new president so that a working relationship can start with the <br />school year. She would also like to see members of the community invited. <br />Council Member Puzzello thinks it should be held at Notre Dame. Bob Reish <br />agreed both were excellent ideas. He would also like to see other events <br />planned. <br />Mike Carrington asked about alcohol policies at the various Universities. Holy <br />Cross representatives said their college has a dry campus. Brian Coughlin said <br />Notre Dame students of legal drinking age are allowed to have alcoholic <br />beverages in the dorms so long as they do not exceed 14% alcohol by volume. <br />• Bill Stenz spoke of the problem of landlords remodeling a three bedroom one <br />bath home to accommodate six or seven students which, besides possibly being <br />illegal, causes parking problems in the neighborhood. Kathy Cekanski-Farrand <br />said Council Member Davis is glad to work with neighborhood representatives to <br />work out parking issues. <br />• Council Member Kirsits informed everyone that the Zoning Commission is still <br />reviewing the legality of renting homes to multiple occupants for football home <br />games. <br />Council Member Kirsits asked that the next meeting be held at Notre Dame. Bob Reish <br />will see what is available and report back. It was suggested there be a tour of the <br />campus or possibly a lecture. The date will be at the end of March (24tH, 25tH, or 26tH). <br />Meeting time to be determined. <br />Council Member Kirsits adjourned the meeting at 4:07p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />~~~ <br />Charles S. Leone, Recording Secretary <br />Community/Campus Advisory Coalition (CCAC) <br />Council Member AI <br />Community/Campus <br />Kirsits; Chairperson <br />~ Coalition (CCAC) <br />