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Councilmember Jo M. Broden commended Corvilla for filling this need for day time care as it is <br />needed by these families but wanted to raise the concern about the wetlands being so close. <br />There was no one from the public speaking for or against the bill. <br />Councilmember Regina Williams- Preston entered the meeting. <br />Councilmember Gavin Ferlic made a motion to send Bill 03 -16 to the full Council with a <br />favorable recommendation. Councilmember Jo M. Broden seconded the motion which carried by <br />a voice vote of four (4) ayes. <br />Bill 04 -16 — Amending the zoning ordinance 3101 and 3113 Lincoln Way West (Kuert Concrete) <br />Angela Smith, Area Plan Commission with offices on the 1 Ith Floor of the County City <br />Building, served as the presenter for this bill. The petitioner is looking to rezone from <br />Community Business to General Industrial. This is an extension of Kuert Concrete's property <br />and will use it for outdoor storage which is currently not allowed under the Community Business <br />zoning. Angela Smith provided pictures of the site and potential upgrades which are on file with <br />the City Clerk's Office. The petitioner is proposing to install a six (6) to four (4) foot fence along <br />the site and installing some landscaping to beautify the corner. This comes with a favorable <br />recommendation from the Area Plan Commission. <br />Councilmember John Voorde asked if anyone from the public came to the Area Plan <br />Commission meeting. <br />Angela Smith responded no one from the public came. <br />Bradd Webb, Kuert Concrete 3402 Lincolnway West, reported they received note from a <br />neighbor who did feel the proposed fencing and landscape work were an improvement to the site. <br />Councilmember Gavin Ferlic reported the neighbor did talk to him and he was satisfied with the <br />site plan once he learned that the same standards regarding this site would be applied if anyone <br />else bought the site and wanted to use it. <br />Councilmember Karen White asked that since this site does not align with the Lincolnway West <br />master plan what do we do for exceptions going forward in the future. <br />Angela Smith responded the master plan did call for this lot to be used for a commercial node, <br />while General Industrial is not technically commercial since it is being used for displaying their <br />products it is in a way functioning as a commercial lot. <br />Council President Tim Scott expressed his concern to make sure we are in consistent with the <br />improvements on Lincolnway which it looks like this is even though it is General Industrial. He <br />