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Unit who are data mining anything that has to do with firearms and violence and looking at all <br />those cases. <br />The number one priority of the Police is violence regarding firearms. The second.priority is any <br />other type of violence. Some police departments in other cities focus on the small stuff first and <br />that will take care of the bigger problems, but it was the opinion of Chief Ruskowski that that is <br />backwards and you have to address the big things first. <br />What the City has done is finding the individuals who are most likely to be shot, be shot at, or be <br />involved in a shooting. There is about a nine hundred percent (900 %) likelihood that these five <br />hundred (500) people will be involved in a shooting. How the police tries to reach out to these <br />people and change that trajectory is through organizations like Good Will which employ them <br />and give them a chance to succeed in life. The last resort is to arrest someone. The City works <br />with fifty -seven (57) other agencies that are trying to help these people who want to get out of <br />the life they are in and get a job, learn how to write a resume, and get a driver's license. <br />The police tries to track every single type of gun violence. All gun shells found are put into a <br />database that link them all to the right guns. This is helpful when we catch someone using a gun <br />in an illegal fashion we can also show that same gun was used in the various other cases where <br />the police found the same gun shells. <br />Chief Ruszkowski went over the idea of "Micro Hotspots" and how they are used by the police <br />in South Bend. There are certain block by block areas the police have targeted where officers <br />have information down to the very house where crime is more likely to happen. This allows the <br />police to use their resources in the most effective way possible. <br />Councilmember Regina Williams - Preston said she was impressed to hear about the department's <br />proactive attitude towards training and she was excited to report some of this to the people of her <br />district. <br />Councilmember John Voorde asked about how recruitment is going as it has been a challenge <br />lately. <br />Chief Ruskowski responded nationally it is a challenge as well. The police more people from <br />South Bend to join the police in addition to local residents advocating for bright young people to <br />join the police force. There are so many people who talk about what the police need to be doing <br />but they also need to encourage great people to become police officers as well. This needs to be a <br />community effort and without the support of everyone our recruiting numbers are going to be <br />poor. They have in the works some recruiting videos and more interactive things on the website <br />that are more applicable to social networks. <br />Councilmember John Voorde asked if they have fewer police officers than budgeted. <br />Chief Ruskowski responded yes and we are trying to buildup those numbers but we have <br />surprise retirements and all those things come into play. <br />