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Councilmember Jo Broden stated it would be nice that if something came from Zoning, Public <br />Works or Community Investment that the administration would give the councilmember of the <br />specific district information regarding where the activity was occurring, so they could be <br />involved and not required to play catch up when the ordinance is first brought forward. She <br />stated she and Randy Kelly should look into what is going on around the Howard Park area and <br />the old TRANSPO site. <br />Chairperson Karen White asked the district members to email or give to her the expectations or <br />questions that they have for this Committee in their various districts. She agreed with <br />Councilmember Jo Broden that they need to be ahead of these issues and not fumbling for words <br />when residents come and ask about specific things the city is doing. <br />Councilmember Tim Scott voiced his hope that between this Committee and the Community <br />Investment Committee, we need to look into types of community investment in the <br />neighborhoods regarding home repair. This would be the next logical steps after the Vacant and <br />Abandoned Housing Initiative and would help houses from sliding into vacancy in the future. He <br />stated perhaps the Council and Community Investment and the various Neighborhood <br />Associations should do some type of round table meeting to get all those people together and the <br />ball rolling. He stated Pam Myers was interested in this and some other people as well because <br />this will stop us from returning to the problem we had before the Vacant and Abandoned <br />Housing Initiative. He also voiced his support of the walking tours. <br />Councilmember Dr. Varner expressed his support behind seeing the curbs and sidewalks <br />initiative moving forward. <br />Councilmember Jo Broden stated building relationships with churches and nonprofits at a district <br />level is very important for this Committee. <br />Chairperson Karen White passed around the one citizen member application turned in for this <br />Committee and asked the Committee members to look it over and get back with her as to what <br />they think. <br />Councilmember Gavin Ferlic reported he received three citizen applications that were very great <br />but he is only allowed to select two, so if any chairperson of a committee did not receive two <br />applications he would be glad to give them the contact information of the person he did not <br />select. <br />Councilmember Tim Scott stated he emailed the Council a map of every neighborhood <br />association boundaries in PDF form. <br />Councilmember Randy Kelly reported on a great conversation he had with a resident today <br />regarding "Community Orientated Code Enforcement" which includes people doing their best to <br />maintain their homes as best they can. This person talked about how Code Enforcement people <br />give him letters but they never call or try to talk to him and he thinks a better approach would be <br />establishing a relationship between Code Enforcement and the home owners. Councilmember <br />Randy Kelly stated he would like this Committee to look into developing some of those ideas. <br />