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ZONING & ANNEXATION <br />Committee Members Present: <br />JANUARY 25, 2016 4:00 P.M. <br />Oliver Davis, John Voorde, Gavin Ferlic, Jo Broden <br />Other Council Members Present: Karen White, Regina Williams- Preston, Tim Scott, <br />Dr. David Varner <br />Others Present: Angela Smith, Kareemah Fowler, <br />Kathleen Cekanski — Farrand, Adriana Rodriguez, <br />Alkeyna Aldridge, Joe Molnar, <br />Agenda: Bill No. 72 -15 — Amending the zoning ordinance and <br />requesting a special exception for 3055 Edison Rd. <br />Bill No. 81 -15 — Amending the zoning ordinance for 5603 <br />Nimtz Parkway and Moreau Court <br />Oliver Davis, Chair of the Zoning & Annexation Committee, called the hearing to order with two <br />bills scheduled for consideration. <br />Due to a request by the petitioner, Oliver Davis entertained a motion to continue Bill 81 -15 to the <br />Zoning & Annexation Committee meeting on February 8, 2016. So moved by Gavin Ferlic and <br />seconded by John Voorde. The motion carried by a voice vote of four (4) ayes. <br />Bill No. 72 -15 — Amending the zoning ordinance and requesting a special exception for 3055 <br />Edison Rd. <br />Angela Smith, Area Plan Commission with offices on the 11th Floor of the County -City <br />Building, served as the presenter for this bill. She reported the bill is to remove the "Beauty <br />Salon Only" designation and rezone it as an Office Buffer designation with the Beauty Salon <br />option still available. This bill is to help broaden the people who would be willing to purchase <br />the lot. <br />Karen White asked if anyone spoke against this bill at the Area Plan meeting. <br />Angela responded no one supported or spoke against it. <br />Janice Hennsel, 2477 Lake St. Niles, is the petitioner for this bill. She spoke to the Committee <br />regarding the history of the property and how they have had zero offers since they closed their <br />business at the site location. They are hoping that by removing the Beauty Salon Only <br />designation a broader range of perspective buyers would be attracted to the site. She also stated <br />she has some interested buyers already contingent upon this bill passing. <br />There was no one from the public who wished to speak in favor or opposition of the bill. <br />