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Shayla Blaschko, 322 E Coflax, stated a few years ago in Milwaukee a group of residents came <br />forward with a plan to reinvigorate and preserve their parks. The fruits of that labor became the <br />Urban Ecology Center, a hub of nature education and conservation. She stated the time has come <br />for South Bend to energize our local parks and learn from our neighbors up north and begin the <br />process of enforcing and educating our residents on the benefits of nature. She asked why we <br />cannot start with Elbel in realizing this goal. She stated she is a teacher at Muessel Primary <br />Center and for five years was a program director for a summer camp in Minnesota. During her <br />time in these roles she has seen children grow in responsibility, in stewardship, increase their <br />problem solving skills, and learn to enjoy healthy recreation activities. She stated research has <br />shown access to parks has shown children have better grades, less drug use, and profound mental <br />and physical health benefits. She requested that the Common Council should share her vision for <br />what parks can become in South Bend. <br />Margaret Pfeil, 511 S. St. Joseph St., she opposed this bill and asks that the Council appoint a <br />commission to study this issue. She stated she has concerns in two areas regarding this process. <br />The first is procedural, the manner in which this was rushed considering this is a quarter of the <br />city's park land. She asked what is the rush of this sale even to the extent of leaving people out <br />of the minutes. She stated this needs to be addressed as a meta issue in our community and a <br />structural solution needs to be found. Secondly, she expressed concern that we cannot survive <br />without the goods of creation. She stated we are designed to function with eco system integrity. <br />She stated humans are designed to work with, not against, creation. She stated we do not have to <br />trade off social goods, like splash pads in the city, with natural goods that we might find at Elbel. <br />She stated we cannot pit inner city kids against preservation of nature. She stated she is really <br />enjoying the conversation today and once again asked for the Council to institute a commission <br />to study this issue. <br />Ricky Klee, 2010 Hollwood Place South Bend, stated that the very first goal of the Master Plan <br />is in fact "Preserve" not "Maintain ". He stated preserve is not French for sell. He stated at a <br />meeting on April 22 a land trust had expressed interest in partnering with the city to preserve <br />Elbel and the city had absolutely no interest in partnering with a land trust. He stated that when <br />the administration says there is no path to partnering with a land trust that it is because the <br />administration has not pursued that option. He stated that path has not been developed because <br />the city is so focused on the sale of Elbel. He stated the Master Plan is so important because it <br />was developed with huge input from the residents of South Bend and in that Master Plan there is <br />clear evidence that the city wants more trail use, hiking areas, and other walking trails. He stated <br />double the number of golfers use hiking trails than golfers use golf courses. In that Master Plan <br />residents put a high priority on those types of walking and biking trails. He stated if the <br />administration wants to adhere to the Parks Master Plan it should evaluate the loss of Elbel in <br />that light as well. <br />Andrew Tucker, 127 S. 34th St. South Bend, stated that the city has acknowledged a priority to <br />maintain our environmental resources in this city. He stated the timeline that was presented by <br />the administration has no real consideration of the environmental impact, there has been no study <br />whatsoever about the impact that a sale could have on the natural species at Elbel. He stated the <br />language as is currently in the ordinance contains no reference to any provision for ecological <br />integrity. He stated once we lose public ownership of this site we lose all recourse to maintain <br />Ci <br />