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Mr. Murphy announced the total authorized investment amount was $175 million which was a <br />large portion of the city's reserves but not all the money as some is in the checking account as <br />well. <br />Paul Gifford, 100 N. Michigan St, as the Chief Investment Officer gave a detailed overlook of <br />the investments the city has with 1St Source Bank. He went over the investment policy which is <br />bound by state statute in what the money can be invested in and is a very conservative <br />investment strategy limiting the risk as much as possible. <br />Mr. Gifford reported that the total invested is approximately $175 million and the estimated <br />annual income is around $1.5 million dollars. A detailed breakdown is available in the <br />Investment Report. Mr. Gifford informed the Board that on a monthly basis that interest income <br />and other trading income is wired to the City. Mr. Gifford explained the various banks and <br />accounts that the fixed income is housed in are approved by the state and also by 1 St Source <br />Bank's own auditing process to insure against any possible bank closure holding the city's <br />money. He also stated that with the Federal Reserve raising the interest rate his team is moving <br />the money into more accounts where the return rate is rising above I% as it used to be around <br />half a percent. <br />Mr. Gifford explained that as interest rates change over the yield curve he will buy and sell <br />securities on behalf of the city. So far in the four years of doing that every time it has been for <br />profit and has yet to sell one for a loss. Last year it added around forty thousand dollars of <br />income to the portfolio but going forward as the Federal Reserve raises rates that will happen <br />less and less. <br />Rahman Johnson, Office on the 12"' Floor of the County -City Building, then informed the <br />Council about the stale check policy where after two years a check issued by the city is no longer <br />valid, but if the person comes forward we reissue those checks and then they can cash them as it <br />is their money. Mr. Johnson also reported they do make an effort to locate the person or business <br />to see why they have not cashed their checks. <br />Council Member Jo Broden asked if these are posted anywhere. Mr. Johnson responded no but <br />the report itself does get posted on the website. <br />Mr. Murphy went over the rest of the report which focuses on where each individual fund is and <br />how much money is in each fund. He also stated every fund ended the year with a positive <br />balance. Mr. Murphy also made note that each fund is given a portion of the interest earned by a <br />proportional basis. <br />Mr. Murphy explained the Cash Reserve Targets for the various funds, these are numbers that <br />the city does not want these funds to go under at any time for assurance purposes that we will be <br />covered in any instance. For example the General Fund target is 30% percent of annual <br />expenditures which is better than most cities. <br />