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BILL NO. 85-08 Petition to rezone the corner of Ivy Road and Twyckenham to <br />Mixed Use to allow retail and second floor living <br />Chairperson Kirsits recognized Mike Danch who was representing the petitioners, the <br />Rapelli's and Rosemary Mandrici, joint-owners of the property. Mr. Danch noted the <br />proposed petition was heard and sent favorably by the Area Plan Commission with 3 <br />contingencies: 1.) access easement provided for Jameson House; 2.) Relocation of the <br />dumpster for Jameson House's sigh lines. 3.) No controlled uses or liquor stores. James <br />Masters, Attorney, representing Jameson House condo owners asked for restrictions on <br />football game-day parking be added to the 3 Area Plan Commission conditions. All <br />conditions were accepted. <br />Councilmember Varner motioned, Councilmember Oliver Davis seconded. All approved <br />a favorable recommendation to Council with conditions. <br />BILL NO. 86-08 Rezone 3013 W. Sample to SF2 from LB Local Business <br />Chairperson Kirsits allowed Daniel Hernandez to represent the petitioner to bridge the <br />language barrier. Mr. Hernandez noted the petition was heard and approved by the Area <br />Plan Commission. Councilmember Oliver Davis welcomed the investment in the 6`~' <br />District. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis motion for approval, seconded by Councilmember Varner <br />the bill was sent to the full Council with a favorable recommendation. <br />BILL NO.09-13 Request to allow a special exception to allow a group residence <br />subject to approval of a petition to rezone from LI to MU <br />Chairperson Kirsits heard Mark Lyons from the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) who <br />reported approval by the BZA. Councilmember Kirsits then recognized Mike Baxter <br />representing Our Lady of the Road, the petitioner. Baxter described the request to allow <br />a group residence for overnight shelter for the homeless in the case of weather related <br />emergencies. It is anticipated that up to 10 individuals could be accommodated. An <br />extended explanation addressing the need for the special exception is attached. The <br />petition has the full support of Hope Ministries, another organization in the continuum of <br />care. Councilmember Kirsits asked about alcoholic drink or drug tolerance at the facility. <br />He also asked if the property~was owned or leased. Baxter replied open use of drugs or <br />alcohol was not tolerated. He also said the property was leased and offered a letter of <br />support from the owner Peter Mullen. <br />