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Personnel and Finance Committee Meeting Minutes of February 19, 2009 <br />Page 2 <br />• General Fund -Department Expenditures 2003-2008 <br />• General Fund Revenues 2003-2008 <br />1VIs. Fannello stated that she has asked all departments to project proposed capital expenditures for three <br />(3) years and rank their importance. She added that she is looking into electronic log ins for employees to <br />which Council Member White stated that IU South Bend utilizing that system where an employee has a 5- <br />minute window to log in. <br />Mayor Luecke noted that often you have to spend money to save money, noting that LED is a good <br />example. <br />Council Member Rouse stated that he believes that if you put nothing into capital you would be shooting <br />yourself in the foot. <br />Council Member LaFountain noted that the monies earmarked for public safety have remained relatively <br />stable since 2003. <br />Park and Recreation Department Funds:: <br />City Controller M. Catherine Fannello then reviewed information on Fund # 203 which is funded by <br />program fees and Fund # 405 which reflects additional charges and support capital expenses; as well as <br />the park graphs. <br />In response to a question from Council Member Oliver Davis, Ms. Fannello stated that concessions are <br />now tracked in the recreation and golf divisions. <br />In response to a question from Council Member Rouse, Ms. Fanello stated that the golf courses are almost <br />self-supporting, whereas Council Member Rouse contended that he sees them as being disproportionate. <br />He added that he is currently reviewing the Hojnacki of 2004 or 2006. <br />Mayor Luecke stated the golf course expenses are offset by revenues. <br />Economic Development Income Funds:: <br />City Controller M. Catherine Fannello passed out a 1-page handout on Economic Development Fund # <br />408 setting forth grants/subsidies and capital projects. She reviewed the graphs and noted that $1.6 <br />million is allocated from the Economic Development and General Funds to the Community and <br />Economic Development Department for salaries and administration costs. <br />In response to questions from Council Member Henry Davis, Jr., Ms. Fanello would provide more <br />detailed information on Workforce Development and Project Impact. She noted that income tax receipts <br />will be less in light of higher unemployment rates. <br />City Controller M. Catherine Fannello passed out a 1-page handout on County Option Income Tax Fund # <br />202 setting forth information on 2008 expenditures. She also reviewed the graphs on receipts and debts. <br />Personnel and Finance Committee Meeting Minutes of February 19, 2009 <br />