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Bill 82 -15, initiated by the Police Department, requests the establishment of a police aid <br />program. <br />John Murphy, City Controller, presented the Bill to the Committee alongside Lt. Chris Voros. <br />Mr. Murphy explained this fund has been in existence for a few years with no difficulties but <br />during the last audit by the state board they recommended the fund be officially sanctioned by an <br />ordinance. Mr. Murphy explained this account is audited at the end of every year by the state <br />board as well. <br />Committee member Regina Williams Preston said she understands a lot of the information <br />regarding this fund is confidential but wondered if they could give any information regarding the <br />amount of money used for this fund. <br />Mr. Murphy responded at the end of the year the fund had a total of eighty two thousand dollars <br />($82,000). <br />Lt. Voros explained for this account there are usually four drawdowns of the account per year. <br />He explained the account is for undercover policeman and the amount in the account reflects the <br />price of street level narcotics. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis asked if he was correct in thinking what is confidential is where <br />the money is going to but the amount of money and everything else in regards to the fund is not <br />confidential. <br />Lt. Voros confirmed that Councilmember Davis had it correct. He stated this fund is already in <br />the police budget but the officers and what this money is used for is confidential. <br />Mr. Murphy stated it is in the budget it is just not highlighted. <br />Councilmember Jo Broden asked how it is determined how these funds are used. <br />Lt. Voros explained the Police Chief overlooks this fund and determines where the money is <br />going and then computer receipts are generated which are available for the state auditor to look <br />at. <br />Councilmember Scott asked how often this is audited internally and by who. <br />Lt. Voros responded monthly he checks the fund with the receipts and meets with the Police <br />Chief. <br />Councilmember Scott asked if anyone else views this account such as Mr. Murphy, not because <br />he does not trust Chris or the Police Chief just because people do make mistakes and there <br />usually are out of department audits just to be safe. <br />