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REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 25,2013 <br /> period they will pay$297,000.00 of which the abatement amount will be $161,000.00. I have <br /> with me the co-managing members of Demby Enterprises of the Annette Demby Trust, Ben <br /> Silver and Joshua Silver if you have any questions. <br /> Councilmember Henry Davis, Jr.: A real quick question and I don't know if you can answer this <br /> or the managing partner. I just really see this as being a great opportunity for South Bend. We <br /> always talk about jobs and we never say good jobs or this is a good employer for good jobs, <br /> manufacturing based, low scale, to mid-grade scale, they pay pretty good wages as well, so these <br /> are things that we really need to concentrate on in the city, so our people are employed at a level <br /> so that they can take care of a house,household or mortgage or both. And my question right <br /> now I guess Mark Neal, or even Oliver Davis, because this is you area as well, in the ongoing <br /> conversations about expansion or helping to support expansion or helping to support expansion <br /> of businesses like this probably would be one of our better ways of getting more jobs here that <br /> are sustainable than what we think that we are doing with new restaurants and all this other stuff. <br /> Not to say that they don't deserve a place, but these places who employ people that will eat at <br /> those restaurants. So you know it's one of those deals, so thank you, for the investment, but I <br /> think that the conversation needs to happen, Councilmember, Administration with folks like that <br /> to see how we can help them expand. <br /> A Public Hearing was held on the Resolution at this time. <br /> There being no one present wishing to speak to the Council either in favor of or in opposition to <br /> this Resolution, Councilmember Schey made a motion to adopt this Resolution. Councilmember <br /> White seconded the motion which carried and the Resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of <br /> eight(8) ayes. <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 4302-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF <br /> THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, TO APPOINT <br /> THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND THE <br /> DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AS ITS AGENTS <br /> FOR OVERSEEING THE GUARANTEED ENERGY <br /> SAVINGS CONTRACT FOR THE CENTURY CENTER <br /> Whereas, in 1982, the South Bend Common Council passed Ordinance No. 7108-82 <br /> which provided among other things that a South Bend Civic Board of Managers would be <br /> continued for the "...purpose of supervising, managing, operating, and maintain Century Center <br /> and its programs..."pursuant to Indiana Code § 36-10-2-5; and <br /> Whereas,the City of South Bend is interested in upgrading and implementing more <br /> energy efficient programs and equipment in the Century Center in order to conserve energy and <br /> energy costs; and <br /> Whereas,pursuant to Indiana Code § 36-1-12.5-5, the Common Council is authorized to <br /> enter into an agreement to participate in a utility efficiency program or a guaranteed savings <br /> contract in order to implement energy savings measures; and <br /> Whereas, the South Bend Common Council does not have its own staff with the technical <br /> expertise and experience to evaluate potential proposals and to supervise a Guaranteed Energy <br /> Savings Contract for the Century Center; and <br /> Whereas, on August 21, 2013, the Century Center Board of Managers adopted a <br /> resolution which authorized the appointment of a committee to review response to a request for <br /> qualifications for a Guaranteed Energy Savings Contract and a draft of a"Request for <br /> Qualifications for a Guaranteed Energy Savings Contract: Century Center" with copies of those <br /> documents attached for informational purposes to this Resolution. <br /> Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, <br /> Indiana, as follows: <br /> 28 <br />