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The final agenda item was a request initiated by the Area Plan Commission (APC)to repeal one overlay <br /> zoning district and replace it with another corrected overlay termed the NNZO (Northeast Neighborhood <br /> Zoning Overlay)district. Matt Chappias from the APC staff again made the presentation. He said this <br /> was in effect, a clean-up bill, eliminatiny of an overlap area to distinguish it from the River East <br /> Development Area. This change he explained would expedite potential development in the area. Both <br /> Mar •\Maria ' " •m the South Bend Heritage Foundation and Greg Hockenan Notre Dame and NNRO <br /> spoke ' fa •r of he change. After brief discussion,Oliver adjourned at 4:08 P.M. <br /> 1) Sub itted, <br /> Oh' - D.1 'airperson <br /> Zonin: _. 4 nexation Committee <br /> 2 <br />