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market for an office. The food variance created some opposition from councilmembers. Most <br /> prominently from Derek Dieter who cautioned the potential problems associated with "Quick Mart" <br /> type places. Ultimately Anne Hayes agreed to remove the request for a food variance. Kathy Cekanski- <br /> Farrand, Council Attorney,said she would provide suggested language. <br /> District Councilman Fred Ferlic voiced support for the rezoning with the variance removed. <br /> Bill 38-15 was a request for a rezoning of two parcels on Hickory Road generally regarded as the old <br /> Target store site. <br /> Explaining the request, Matt Chappies of the APC staff, indicated one parcel would go from a PUD <br /> designation to GB general business. The other parcel would become a designated MU within the PUD. <br /> Mike Danch representing the petitioners explained the changes would allow outdoor storage with more <br /> than required screening. There was no opposition from nearby property owners and this petition, like <br /> the other three received a favorable recommendation from the APC. <br /> The last agenda item bill 39-15,was a petition to rezone 13.2 acres of former Studebaker property on <br /> which industrial buildings totaling 750,000 sq.ft. existed Matt Chappies of the APC explained the <br /> requested PUD status would allow a variety of potential uses ranging from residential to technical. The <br /> petitioners represented by Mike Danch said the PUD designation would allow a unique mix of uses that <br /> will provide creative redevelopment of the abandoned industrial property. <br /> Matt Chappies reported that both the APC staff and the Commission forwarded this bill with a favorable <br /> recommendation. <br /> Some brief Council discussion followed mostly regarding timelines for development. <br /> Derek Dieter adjourned at 4:52 P.M. <br /> Respectfu uy Submitted, <br /> ® l.1 <br /> use <br /> Derek Dieter, Member <br /> Zoning&Annexation Committee <br /> 2 <br />