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3. Historically the belief has been food trucks are unsanitary. In actuality,just like a <br /> restaurant, food trucks are subject to the same health regulations and are required <br /> to inform the health department of their whereabouts. In addition to the <br /> inspections of the truck, the food truck owners must also be concerned that their <br /> commissary kitchen receives a passing grade from the health dept. If the kitchen <br /> receives a failing grade, the food truck owner cannot operate until the commissary <br /> kitchen passes or it finds a new commissary. <br /> 4. Concerns that Food Trucks can park anywhere in the city have been addressed by <br /> insuring that Food trucks are prohibited from parking in restricted areas or areas <br /> that are residentially zoned neighborhoods, they shall not operate at a fixed <br /> location on any private or public property for more than four hours and are not <br /> allowed to park within a distance of 1,000 feet of a school grounds. A food truck <br /> can not park in a perpendicular parking space, 15 minute, 1 hour or a disabled <br /> persons parking space. (a FT that wishes to park longer than 4 hours on private <br /> property, may apply for an open-air business license that would need to be <br /> approved by the BPW, Building, & Code Enforcement) <br /> 14 <br />