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Trends <br /> • Food Trucks generate about $650 million <br /> revenue annually across the nation* <br /> • Food Truck Courts are the newest part of the <br /> trend <br /> • Combination of live music, events and food <br /> • Food Truck Festivals gaining popularity <br /> • Food Trucks transitioning to full scale brick <br /> and mortars <br /> * National League of Cities <br /> 1. Food trucks currently generate about$650 million revenue annually and this is only <br /> expected to increase. In areas where ordinances have been changed to <br /> accommodate food trucks there has been significant economic development. * <br /> Food on Wheels (National League of Cities) <br /> 2. Food truck courts have become the newest part of the food truck trend, in various <br /> cities you have courts with rotating vendors during the week along with live music. <br /> These courts exist in both public & private spaces, establishing destinations for <br /> residents to enjoy, while creating vibrant spaces and introducing residents to the <br /> food truck culture. <br /> 3. Food truck festivals are occasions where food trucks from all over gather for a day <br /> or weekend and have an opportunity to introduce their products to new consumers <br /> who may not have tried a food truck before. It also offers communities a unique <br /> experience to sample culinary creations from their local regions. <br /> 4. Food trucks have become an avenue for aspiring restaurateurs to test their products <br /> in new markets. Across the country you see food trucks transitioning to full scale <br /> brick and mortars. When food truck owners are able to see the demand for their <br /> product in a market, they are more secure in making the capital investment <br /> required to start a full scale restaurant. <br /> 8 <br />