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Chris Huff, a citizen interested in the cost/benefit aspects of the EPA consent decree voiced support for <br /> a "carrot/stick" approach. He added that educating the public was a necessary component for <br /> acceptance. <br /> Another concerned citizen,Gary King,suggested water form disconnected downspouts could be stored <br /> for other uses. <br /> Before it was over there was general consensus that questions needed further discussion. To that end, <br /> Gavin Ferlic motioned the bill be continued until the meeting of October 12. Dr. Fred Ferlic offered a <br /> second. All supported the continuance. <br /> Dr.Varner adjourned the meeting at 4:55 P.M. <br /> Respectfully Submitted, <br /> 0 <br /> Dr. David Varner, Chairperson <br /> Utilities Committee <br /> 2 <br />