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City of South Bend,Indiana 2016 Budget <br /> City Clerk - 101-0201 <br /> Fund Summary-Operating and Capital Budget <br /> 2015 2016 Budget <br /> 2013 2014 Amended 30-Jon Proposed Forecast Variance <br /> Description Actual Actual Budget Actual Budget 2017 2018 2019 2020 2015-2016 Change <br /> EXPENDITURES BY TYPE <br /> Personnel <br /> Satan,&Wages 207,118 200.790 231,395 109,205 227,282 231,828 236,464 241,193 246,017 (4,113) -1.8"• <br /> Fringe Benefits 62.083 74,358 108,047 42,888 105,573 116,130 827,743 140_518 154,569 (2,474) 1 <br /> Total Personnel 209,201 281,154 339,442 152,153 332,855 347'158 364,318 381.711 408587 (6587) -19''1 <br /> (Supplies 12,397 8.771 7,740 872 6,800 6,800 6,800 6,808 6,800 (940) -12.1'11 <br /> Sen•icen&Charges <br /> ProIessa•n21 Scawcs 8,799 9,214 16,415 7,200 38,238 39,083 39,783 40,578 41,390 21.823 I+2't• <br /> Printing&.Sdsrnom8 14,5611 18,254 24,800 4,449 24,800 24,800 24,800 24,800 24,800 <br /> ['011x., _ - <br /> Educanon&'Framing 1,998 3,793 4,000 2,119 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 • <br /> Tavel 3,829 3,599 7,350 . 1,647 6,950 6,950 6,950 6,950 6,950 (400) <br /> Repairs&Maintenance 1,950 - 7,500 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,090 6,000 (1,500) 25.0"• <br /> Intcrfund Allocations 5,988 3,096 3,826 1,914 4,330 4,417 4,505 4,595 4,687 504 13.2 <br /> Admmutraoon - - - - - <br /> IT 2,083 2,125 2,107 2,211 2.255 <br /> Payments at I acu of Taxes(PILO) - - - - <br /> f ntnd Stores 578 509 6111 013 625 <br /> Pnm Shop 281 287 292 298 304 <br /> GIS - - <br /> Liability Imuance 1,388 1,416 1,444 1,473 15113 <br /> Telephone - <br /> Unemployment Insurance - - - - • <br /> 311 Call Center - - • - • <br /> lhibnes - - - • - <br /> Debt Service: <br /> Principal 2,483 • - - - - <br /> Interest&Fees 115 - - • <br /> - <br /> • <br /> Grants&Subsidies - - - • <br /> • <br /> - <br /> Payment In Llenn of lhxcs - - - - <br /> Transfers 0181 • • - - - - - <br /> • <br /> Other Senates& :haws 2.444 2,713 7,100 91) 7,600 7,600 7,600 7,600 7,600 ;Ins -I�',• <br /> (Total Services&Charges 42,106 403,09 70,991 18.307 91,918 92,769 93,638 94,524 95,427 201927 29.5'.1 <br /> [capital 13.408 _ - (13,40@ -1001st <br /> Total Expenditures by Type 323,764 333,594 431,573 171,332 431,573 447.527 464,645 483,035 502,814 0 0,0'/. <br /> Explain Sig'fcant Revenue and Expenditure Changes Below: <br /> A copier was budgeted for m 2015,therefore,it was not required for 2016 and beyond-decreased budget by$13,400.All budget decreases in 2016 were used to offset the expense of digitizing hestnrical clerk records($21,938). <br /> 9 <br />