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COMMUNITY INVESTMENT AUGUST 10, 2015 3:30 PM <br /> Committee Members Present: Gavin Ferlic, Henry Davis(AB), Dr. David Varner, Dr. Fred Ferlic <br /> Citizens Members Present: Robert Emery, Pat Mullin (AB) <br /> Other Council Present: Tim Scott,Valerie Schey(XAB), Oliver Davis, Karen White, <br /> Derek Dieter <br /> Others Present: Jack Smith, Erin Blasko, Chris Fielding, Michael Lehman (MTI) <br /> Agenda: Bill No. 15-77 Designating Tax Abatement- Manufacturing <br /> Technology Inc.402 N. Sheridan St. <br /> 2 Year Vacant Building <br /> Bill No. 15-78 Designating Tax Abatement- Manufacturing <br /> Technology Inc.402 N.Sheridan St. <br /> 5 Year Personal Property <br /> Committee Chair Gavin Ferlic called the meeting of the Community Investment Committee to order <br /> noting all members present with the exception of Henry Davis. <br /> There were two bills scheduled for review, both,abatement petitions for(MTI) Manufacturing <br /> Technology Inc. <br /> For purposes of presentation and public hearing Gavin said both bills could be presented and considered <br /> together. <br /> Chris Fielding from the Community Investment Department made the presentation. <br /> The first, bill 15-77,was a request for a 2 year vacant building abatement. Chris said MTI was expanding <br /> their manufacturing in a previously vacant building located at 402 N.Sheridan St.Their investment in <br /> the building is projected to be nearby a million dollars. <br /> The companion bill, 15-78, requests a five year personal property abatement on machinery and <br /> equipment costing an estimated one and three quarter million dollars. Chris also indicated Mr. Michael <br /> Lehman from MTI was present to answer any questions. <br /> The Council followed with questions primarily focusing on the manufacturing process. <br /> In short order Dr. Ferlic moved bill 15-77 be sent to Council with a favorable recommendation. Gavin <br /> seconded the motion and all supported. <br /> Dr. Ferlic then followed with a favorable recommendation for bill 15-78. Dr.Varner seconded this one. <br /> Again all affirmed. <br /> Gavin adjourned the meeting at 3:38 pm. <br /> 1 <br />