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Gavin Ferlic observed the practice of parking "armadillos" in front of criminally suspect houses was an <br />effective suppressive action. He suggested maybe a second vehicle could be utilized. Dr. Ferlic echoed <br />those comments offering to help the Chief acquire another vehicle to convert a little or no cost to the <br />department. <br />Council President Tim Scott asked when the CNG equipped police cars would begin service. The Chief <br />said 39 AWD vehicles are equipped had been delivered; but were awaiting the "fast fill" station being <br />installed by Transpo to come on line. Currently this looks to be a 4 months off. <br />Tim also asked about body camera use. The Chief said the department has had quite a few vendors do <br />demonstrations. A preferred vendor has emerged from the process. He added that a larger issue is <br />policy development and data storage. To that end the Chief said a lot of background work has been <br />done meant to avoid the costly mistakes of other departments. <br />Henry Davis asked the Chief for a racial, gender, and age breakdown of police personnel. He asked the <br />Chief to evaluate the performance of the department on a scale of 1 -10. Teachman said emphatically, a <br />10, given resources available. Henry frustratingly indicated that violent crime was up by all accounts so <br />what are we doing about it. The Chief said there were many societal reasons for an increase in violence, <br />the police department being just one piece of the puzzle. Another problem according to the Chief was <br />the routine "bonding out" of individuals arrested for crimes involving firearms. This easy revolving door <br />bonding doesn't help the situation on the street. He added that their efforts to get people to report <br />crime can, ironically, make the statistics look worse. Henry asked how many arrests were the result of <br />the "shot spotter" program. The Chief said other factors may lead to arrests which may have a "shot <br />spotter" component. Other questions raised by Henry touched on the apparent inefficient and <br />unsuccessful, to date, minority recruitment effort. <br />Turning to questions from the public Karen recognized Bill Dunn from Southwood Drive. Bill asked if <br />pan, zoom cameras were utilized in Shot Spotter areas. Chief Teachman said the cameras were in the <br />2016 budget. <br />Jean Perrin, President of the River Park neighborhood association was next. She asked how the police <br />department staffing levels compared to other cities our size. The Chief said we deploy 2.6 officers per <br />1,000 population. By comparison Indianapolis has 1.5 per thousand. Philadelphia has 4.3. <br />In response to her further question about training expenditures somehow correlating to success. The <br />Chief said while this was difficult to measure an increase in officer confidence and morale was apparent. <br />Dr. Ferlic made a summary comment saying the police department needs more officers and more <br />diversity. <br />Karen adjourned the meeting at 6:57 P.M. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />/c 'A <br />Karen White, Chairperson <br />Personnel & Finance Committee <br />7 <br />