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COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE <br />The December 8, 2008 meeting of the Community and Economic Development Committee of the <br />South Bend Common Council was called to order by its Acting Chairperson, Ann Puzzello at 3:40 <br />p.m. in the Council's Informal Meeting Room. <br />Committee Members present: Mark Smith, Citizen Member <br />Other's Present: Councilmember's Varner, Rouse, Oliver Davis, Tom LaFountain, Catherine <br />Fanello; Donald Brubaker, Don Inks, Mayor Stephen Luecke, Martha Lewis, Rita Kopala, Jamie <br />Loo, Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Phil Faccenda, John Voorde <br />AGENDA: <br />Bill No. 08-110 -Tech Park Aoreement <br />Councilmember Ann Puzzello, chaired the meeting. She introduced Mayor Luecke who <br />proceeded to explain the purpose of the resolution. He explained the Council's role in approving <br />the execution of a Certified Technology Park pact between the South Bend Redevelopment <br />Commission and the Indiana Economic Development Corporation. He said partnerships between <br />the City and Notre Dame and the Stated grade this creation of the State's first 2 site tech park <br />possible. The creation allows a $2 million dollar state grant along with the city's right to take and <br />dedicate up to $5 million more in various taxes over a 4 year period to put back in the park. <br />Councilmember Puzzello asked if Notre Dame was tied to the Sample Street portion of the <br />development site. <br />Answering both that questions as well as a timing question from Oliver Davis, the Mayor said <br />while Notre Dame was not tied to the Sample Street location financially, Notre Dame did pay $12- <br />15million dollars for the construction of a 50 thousand plus square foot building at the South <br />Bend Avenue site. <br />Councilmember Varner asked if the 2 sites were treated differently for tax purposes. No was the <br />_ Mayor's response. Varner asked if the incubator built at Notre Dame would house viable <br />companies. The Mayor said these companies were in the embryonic stage. Further South Bend <br />was one of just four sites in the nation others being Austin, TX, SUNY-Albany, and UCLA. <br />Councilmember Timothy Rouse voiced support for the park cautioning the search for revenue <br />streams for the city's budget. <br />Their being no quorum, no action was taken. <br />There being no further business to come before the committee, Chairperson Puzzello, adjourned <br />the meeting at 4:05 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Ann Puzzello <br />Member, Community and Economic Development Committee <br />