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REGULAR MEETING <br />JULY 14,201 <br />Councilmember Gavin Ferlic, Chairperson, Community Investment Committee sends this <br />forward favorably. <br />Brock Zeeb, Community Investment — Offices on the 14" floor- Designating resolution for <br />development on lot 7 in Ignition Park, proposed two building will be built estimated investment <br />of $12 million, total taxes abated $1.1 million, total taxes to be paid $1.5 million. <br />Councilmember White, is this Catalyst marketing is that the same company? Mr. Brock <br />responded that is not the same company. <br />Presenter - Rich Deal- 100 N Michigan St- I kindly request your approval this is the third <br />resolution to declare lot 7 as an economic revitalization area to qualify for property tax <br />abatement. Ignition has been a significant site and investment in this area, as a brownfield for <br />fixture development. Right now there is a 7 -8 years wait, We propose to invest in phase 1 about <br />$6 million per building, two buildings each containing over 40,000 sq. feet to put spur future <br />growth to a sister park to Notre Dame. We will hopefully with your support see immediate or <br />short -term occupancy to expand our research base or manufacturing base here in town. <br />Bradley Toothaker- 112 W Jefferson Great Lakes Capital- I appreciate your past support, proud <br />to be part of this city and part of these projects, and continuing to name the project the catalyst, <br />our hope and belief is that we will be successful. Right now we have two buildings planned, this <br />step is necessary to the project. <br />Councilmember Henry Davis- this is in the tiff district is it not? (That was confirmed) Several <br />years back this project was encouraged as needing their own incubator site and now this has <br />changed, has it not? Mr. Toothaker responded this is a next stage development, the ability of <br />growth there will be some incubator growth that will be anchored by Notre Dame Research <br />facility. Councilmember Davis, who is going to be the liaison between one and two to make sure <br />those companies land over in Ignition Park. Mr. Toothaker responded there has been open/active <br />engagement with the University that are appointing the action of the next steps to this project. <br />Councilmember Davis what do you think about community benefit agreement, when companies, <br />individuals, what do you think about those things given them around the city. Mr. Toothaker, <br />responded without these, investments would not be able to exist, I would like to give it more <br />thought and have a conversation with you later on that. My position is for the city and longevity <br />of South Bend, as in a tiff district those funds stay in that community. We do need that <br />investment but not just for one side. <br />This being the time heretofore set for Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br />Those wishing to speak in favor: <br />Mr. Roth- 1831 College St- I don't know anyone here, but I do live in the city, if there is a poster <br />child property for tax abatement this is it. 50 years 6 million square feet went dark, very little <br />has happened it took us 45 years to demolish that when it took Michiaaa 5 years to do that. <br />Paxton- Offices 405 Main Dome Univ. of Notre Dame- I want you to know there are really 6 <br />partners in this, everybody has stepped up financially and are excited for Mr. Toothaker for <br />bringing this forward. <br />Councilmember Dr. Varner made a motion for adoption to full Council concerning this bill. <br />Councilmember Dieter seconded the motion which carried by a roll call count of nine (9) ayes. <br />BILL NO. 14-58 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF <br />THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, ACCEPTING <br />AND CONFIRMING A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH <br />BEND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION <br />DETERMINING THAT THE TAX INCREMENT FOR <br />ERSKINE VILLAGE TO BE COLLECTED IN THE <br />YEAR 2015 MAY BE ALLOCATED TO THE <br />RESPECTIVE TAXING UNITS AND OTHER <br />RELATED MATTERS <br />27 <br />