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I . Briefly describe why you are interested in serving on the requested Standing <br />Committee ofthe South Bend Compton Council: <br />My prior field work in the law and current academic work both center on individuals who are marginalized <br />however, that education needs to buttressed b)�justice when violations occur and continued educati n t roughout <br />_ - *rasa sua y p Iss11st11 usLr�adylaassist. nhoth -of-tbnss.prac€sss;s_ttzeiast max residents <br />of South Bend live in a fairer, more lust city. <br />2. Provide a brief summary ofthe issues and /or topics you believe should be addressed <br />by this Standing Committee/ Board thisCaletdar year. <br />'Utilizing novel chains of communication to relay the pork the Hunan Rights Commission does <br />"Creating dialo sue and opportunities for discussion with individuals not comm_on1Y addressed bY.local y;ovt. <br />*How the school- to -rison p i lelitie is ossihly fueled by currenntolicies within the city <br />*Expanding the outreach to individuals within the undocumented workrr and lnw•incomc pnyulsuirans _ <br />'Builditj&ipace for the cpntinued growth of ri +g, for trjq e,ndered South Bend residents <br />3. Provide a brief summary of your participation in any professional public service; <br />not- for - profit, or other organizations: <br />I currently serve as the Assistant Director for Public Interest taw at Notre Dame Law School and lecture <br />1cg: usWigluzlr. .the.caiaeillaljuuiCksYSt0l_irnp tats Dame <br />Center for Social Concerns. I am a co- founder of a local nonprofit, Ultreia, Inc., which focuses on education <br />through and by the arts. I have been involved with the Westside Democratic Club, Herbert Hoover <br />4. Availability to attend Committee/ Board meetings on weekdays beginning at <br />3:00 p. m. <br />I would be available fm- most meetings. <br />I verity that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. If <br />selected to serve on a South Bend Connnon Council Siandiug Committee/ Board, I agree <br />to regularly attend such Committee/ Board meetings, to participate in the review of <br />documents sent to the Committee/ Board, to participate during the Conrnittee's' Board's <br />hearing and to abide all gov r ing r les and regulations. <br />Jtdy 2n. zm s <br />Sign nnmofC a.�; \9em >cr Card il�r -- Uate-- ' - - - -. <br />Richard W. Herbst July 20, 2015 <br />Pibmi l ped\mneolC hvin M cmborCi irate ai15 e�— <br />Rettirn completed application to: <br />Common Council, 227 W. JefFeison Blvd., Suite 400 S., South Bend. IN 46601 <br />E -mail: ecoancil cfsota ht�nd jaat v <br />PAX: 574 -235 -9173 <br />