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To: Council Member Henry Davis <br />From: Council-at Large Member Al Kirsits <br />Date: November 24, 2008 <br />Subject: CCAC and Social Host Ordinance <br />The Community(Campus Advisory Coalition (CCAC) was formed from the <br />aftermath of the special event/lawn parking ordinance that was discussed in the spring of <br />2007. After much discussion, in the fall of 2007, it was decided to separate the ordinances <br />and move forward with the passage of the Special Event Lawn Parking Ordinance. In lieu <br />of passing a social host ordinance, which was based on information from the Department of <br />Justice COPS manual and similar to ordinances from other college towns, it was not voted <br />on and put on hold. Instead, the CCAC was put in place at the request of local universities <br />(primarily Notre Dame) and landlords in an attempt to talk and educate students and <br />residents living in close proximity to each other. These coalitions, with or without social <br />host ordinances, have had success in some communities. President Rouse asked Council <br />member Al Kirsits to chair the committee. <br />The first CCAC meeting was held on February 20, 2008. Membership was <br />extended to Notre Dame, Holy Cross College, St. Mary's and IUSB school body presidents <br />and their respective administrators. Also in attendance were city council members, <br />administration members, code enforcement, and police department. The local Alcohol <br />Beverage Board (ABC) was represented along with area landlords and residents. City <br />Clerk John Voorde swore in the members, and Council Attorney Kathy Cekanski-Farrand <br />served as legal council to chairman Kirsits. A complete listing of those in attendance is on <br />file in the CCAC minutes and with the City Clerk. <br />Subsequent meetings were held on April 9th, October 9th, and November 20th 2008. <br />A meeting for March 2008 was cancelled and not rescheduled. The next meeting is <br />scheduled for February 2009. Attendance has varied, but overall representation from all <br />segments involved has been very good. The following are several items that have occurred <br />since the formation of the CCAC: <br />Leadership from the Notre Dame Student Body Presidents has been outstanding. <br />Former President Liz Brown and current President Robert Riesh have made <br />legitimate attempts and significant progress in reaching the student body with the <br />message to be "good neighbors" when living off campus. <br />UND has published and distributed a booklet about off campus living and how to <br />be a good neighbor. It has responded quickly to isolated incidents of <br />inappropriate behavior so they would not be repeated. Saint Mary's sends e-mail <br />alerts on upcoming weekends about behavior and student safety. <br />SBPD is working with LTND to inform students through email of area burglaries <br />and suspicious persons in off campus areas. Crime prevention is working to give <br />them recommendations for property protection while on break, and ways to <br />increase overall student safety in our community. <br />