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Gavin suggested bill 15 -58, 15 -59 and 15 -62 be heard together for purposes of presentation and <br />consideration. These bills are related to a spec built distribution facility of 200,000 sq. ft. for GLC <br />Portage Prairie representing an investment of over $7.25 million. <br />Chris Fielding from the Cl Department presented the particulars warranting an 8 year real property <br />abatement. The abatement petition itself was contained in bill 15 -58. <br />Bill 15 -59 was a resolution requesting a 5 year lease between GLC and the City. <br />Mr. Fielding was assisted by Richard Deahl, an attorney representing GLC. They explained the lease with <br />the City at a greatly reduced rate per sq. foot, significantly below market rate was necessary to mitigate <br />the risk for GLC. Typically lenders are reluctant to lend money on spec buildings such as this without the <br />guarantee of a lessee. According to Chris Fielding there is a ready market for this type of space. As it is <br />leased the City portion will be lessened ultimately to zero. <br />Bill 15 -62 a companion to the others represents the Council giving approval to the Board of Public Works <br />to sell the City owned parcels on which the distribution facility would be built. <br />At the committee level only one set of motions was required to forward all three bills. <br />Dr. Ferlic made the initial motion to forward 15 -58, 15 -59 and 15 -62 favorably to full Council. Gavin <br />Ferlic offered a second. All supported. <br />Brock Zeeb made the presentation for the next bill on the agenda 15 -60. This was a resolution to meet a <br />state law requirement of TIF funds to the various taxing units in Erskine Village allocation area 3. <br />After the brief presentation there being no questions Dr. Varner motioned a favorable recommendation. <br />Dr. Ferlic followed with a second which all supported. <br />The final item on the agenda was bill 15 -61 which was a bond refinance request for approval. <br />Randy Rompola, an attorney representing the Redevelopment Authority explained that if these 2008 <br />Eddy Street Bonds were refinanced the savings due to the lower interest rate over the remaining 18 year <br />life of the bond would be over 3 million dollars. <br />Again Dr. Varner made the motion to send favorably. Dr. Ferlic seconded and all affirmed. <br />There being no other business, Gavin Ferlic adjourned at 4:02 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Gavin Ferlic, Chairperson <br />Community Investment Committee <br />