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REGULAR MEETING JUNE 22, 2015 <br />We are now talking about how the Mayor and the Department Heads are supposed to be <br />managing their offices. What gives, why is that our job? Councilmember Dr. Ferlic interjected <br />can I answer that? (Davis responded yes) I met numerous times with Randy, and Crystal and I <br />can tell you right now that it is a changed department, the Codes Department. I can tell you from <br />numerous ride - alongs with my code officer, Greg, he is issuing numerous citations and they are <br />now being sent to the collections agency. But remember we are numerous decades behind on <br />this project. Now that we are doing that, there has been a dramatic change in the 4" District as <br />I've gone around with my code officer, I think we have a great chance to clean up the city. <br />Councilmember Davis responded that is my problem, you went around with your 4" District <br />code enforcement officer, this needs to be done? That is not my job, as a councilmember. We <br />are going back to management when we deliver dollars to a certain department to do xyz. Every <br />year we approve a budget to deliver certain things with the city of South Bend and with the <br />quality of life. (Council Attorney Kathy Cekanski- Farrand interrupted stating questions only, <br />Councilmember Davis stated don't do that to me I'm a councilmember having a conversation <br />asking questions), Councilmember Dr. Ferlic stated I respect your opinion and it is the <br />councilmembers duty to take care of his district. Councilmember Davis replied that is your <br />opinion. How do we enforce the base line law, the base line says cut your grass, we then apply a <br />new level of dollars, but it is not being cut. How do we turn this around because of new <br />legislation or new priority by the Mayor's office? I want to vote for it, I'm asking. <br />Councilmember Karen White responded, you are correct in terms of enforcement for a number <br />of years we have had that conversation. If you recall this council pushed forward the graffiti that <br />came from the Council, the legal dumping came from the Council, product nuances that came <br />before the council. When we look at tall grass we are bringing this to the Council, understanding <br />that a number of citizens have approached me in regards to the grass and why should they have <br />to live next to homes where there grass is not cut? We as a Council under the Health & Public <br />Safety committee we need to look at all the quality of life ordinances that aren't effective and <br />take them off the books. Those that we believe are important we need to hold that department <br />and others accountable and we have to reflect that in the budget as well. Councilmember Davis <br />stated we will hold them accountable, but they come in and they already have their money and <br />the pay to do these jobs, when there are not being done. How do we get to the level of seeing <br />results that the neighbors want to see before we have this conversations again, where we state <br />that we have issues with management and things change over again? We continue to go back to <br />step one (1) each and every time. Councilmember Dr. Ferlic responded I think you track the <br />metrics, when I came on the Council we collected $30,000. This year, now, is 4% higher from <br />last year. You want to track the statistics; we are going to consistently track the results every six <br />(6) months if it is consistently off basis then we shouldn't support it. Council President Scott <br />stated you asked about the implications, we talked to Randy and John from code about this, just <br />on single violation and continuance. The rumor with this ordinance possibly going through <br />caused a 44% increase in people taking care of their own lawns already, knowing that there can <br />be consequences to it, which they don't feel right now. Councilmember Davis asked, how did <br />they come up with that number? Council President Scott responded when responding to <br />violations going out there, the lawns were already mowed. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis —There was a statement that stated the age of the ordinance of 53 <br />years is not necessarily the issue. What I want to say is that, number one (1) would you not say <br />based on the 1962 ordinance that we are currently having more money coming in now then based <br />on the current one in place? Council President Scott replied there is an increase in money and <br />collections, due to the proposed changes people are now stepping up to mow their own lawns. <br />Councilmember Davis asked, so the money started to increase even before you composed this? <br />As they started to enforce the code at the end of last year. At the end of the year, that is where <br />the money started to come in when they put the right collections team in place. So to me we <br />didn't have the right collections team in place to collect on the 1962 ordinance. Of course we <br />don't have the right high -tech words but the issue was the collections as they weren't collecting. <br />Secondly, is there anybody here from the Parks Department, from HR, from the legal team, any <br />code enforcement officers as we need to ask them some questions? Council President Scott <br />stated, Code Enforcement is the only one here. Councilmember Oliver Davis replied at our last <br />meeting we stated they were going to be here. I'm okay with Code Enforcement as they have <br />cited a whole bunch of things in the 6" District, but what happens after they cited, they get stuck <br />in the Parks Department. My questions I have for Parks are to defend how many seasonal <br />workers they have, how many do they plan to have, and what are they going to do with the yards <br />0 <br />