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REGULAR MEETING <br />JUNE 22, 2015 <br />real problem that I have, I really hope that we are not spending one (1) penny to put the Mayor's <br />name on any truck or any cars in the city. <br />A citizen approached the podium to speak again. Councilmember Karen White refused to allow <br />him on the floor. Council Attorney Kathy Cekanski- Farrand stated the Council would need to <br />take a vote to allow him to speak. <br />Councilmember Henry Davis, Jr. made a motion to allow him two minutes on the floor. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis seconded the motion which did not carry by a roll call vote of two <br />(2) ayes by Councilmember Henry Davis, and Councilmember Oliver Davis and seven (7) nays. <br />Rebuttal: <br />Eric Horvath — I can post the report on the web, as it shows the numbers, the expenses and what <br />our proposal is. We do of course have one (1) year and five (5) year capital plans. The vehicles <br />have been replaced not because we were looking to get CNG vehicles. At the time we replaced <br />them it made sense to go to CNG due to the grants that we were getting to convert to CNG. We <br />are saving by using that, it is a domestic fuel. At some point in the fixture we will be able to use <br />our digesters, to create methane that will run our trucks. <br />Councilmember Karen White: I would like to ask the petitioner at this time, and hopefully I'm <br />not out of order. There has been a number of questions and the need for comparisons in regards <br />to looking at the some of the issues that some of the Councilmembers have raised as well as the <br />citizens. I would like to ask you if you would be willing to continue this bill and come before the <br />council with more detailed data along with documentation. As I believe the Council has raised a <br />number of issues and the citizens as well. Eric Horvath responded I am always willing to have <br />dialogue, that's never an issue. What I would like, just to be clear about what you are asking for, <br />if you can email specifically what you want. That would be very helpful so I can get the answers <br />that you are looking for. Councilmember Karen White replied we will do that along with the <br />questions that the City Clerk has been able to glean from the citizens as well. I think that will <br />help and that would clarify. That would also allow our citizens to have that information as well. <br />Councilmember Valerie Schey — If I may, because you asked for specifics when we discuss this <br />at the next meeting. The analysis I would like to see is the service level at a 0% increase, 4.5% <br />increase, and at the proposed 9% increase. Someone stated that the so- called compromises have <br />not actually been compromises. A 4.5% increases could potentially be a true compromise, if you <br />would present to us a 0% increase, 4.5% increase, and a 9% increase and how that would impact <br />the service level. That would be helpful. The other item where I agree with the resident, it is <br />offensive to those who may not have voted for Mayor Pete to see not the city seal on the trucks <br />but the city trucks have Mayor Pete's name on the door and not the city seal. It would be more <br />appropriate if your department could replace Mayor's Pete name with the actual city seal on <br />those trucks. <br />Councilmember Karen White — I will ask Councilmembers to email Eric as well as the City <br />Clerk. Any citizens who are here and those who are not who may have questions to direct those <br />to the City Clerk's office. I appreciate the presenter and your willingness to continue this to our <br />next meeting in July. <br />Councilmember Derek Dieter made a motion to continue bill 26 -15 to July 13', 2015. <br />Councilmember Valerie Schey seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) <br />ayes. <br />30 -15 PUBLIC HEARING ON A BILL OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, APPROPRIATING ADDITIONAL <br />FUNDS FOR CERTAIN DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY SERVICES <br />OPERATIONS IN 2015 OF $200,000 FROM LOCAL ROAD STREETS <br />FUND ( 4251), $800 FROM PROFESSIONAL SPORTS DEVELOPMENT <br />FUND ( 4377) AND $316,091 FROM CEDIT FUND ( 4408) <br />24 <br />