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REGULAR MEETING JUNE 22, 2015 <br />and being able to make payments. We are willing to work with anybody to allow payment plans <br />and work with them to get someone to cut their grass. Council, as you know I have been at every <br />meeting that you've asked me to attend. Same with any residence, I have an open door if you <br />want to meet with me just give me a call. I'll gladly let you ride with one of our inspectors, I'll <br />meet with you any time you want to talk about anything. <br />Those wishing to speak in opposition: <br />David Wilson, 1109 21st St., South Bend —'The only question I want to ask is, what about the <br />leaves? I have a house next to mine that my fence is covered with leaves. Their grass is covered <br />with leaves and starting to grow into the siding of the house, how do you take care of that? <br />Jason Banicki- Critchlow, 3822 W. Ford St., South Bend— I live in the 6" District, I see Oliver <br />helping us out with the code plenty. What I see is we have a Mayor that was in a hurry to tear <br />down 1,000 houses in 1,000 days and didn't have a contingency plan to deal with those lots <br />afterwards. Most of my neighbors keep their yards well maintained, most people in the 2 °d <br />District keep their yards well maintained. What I see is a ton of vacant lots that are three (3) and <br />four (4) feet, before we consider any new ordinance and set the fine three (3) times higher than <br />the initial fee, we need to ensure that we can enforce what we have before creating new laws <br />without the enforcement mechanism in place that are verifiable. Make sure the city is behind <br />what we are doing, that the management structure is in place; to not have communication <br />between departments already in place doesn't make any sense. I agree we need to update part of <br />the code to make it more conformed. But we cannot neglect to say that the Mayor for the last 3 <br />t/2 years has been rushing to tear down these houses but he has not worked with code to make <br />sure those lots are properly maintained without a plan on what we are going to do moving <br />forward; not six (6) months from now, but six (6) days from now. So I don't have to go for a run <br />around my neighborhood where I have to worry about rats or raccoons coming out to attack me. <br />This is a quality of life issue when you don't have a clean neighborhood. It gets dangerous when <br />you have three (3) to four (4) foot grass. I don't think that throwing new dollars at this and <br />turning them over to collections, saying we are going to get better by charging people when most <br />people over there don't have the money to waste, is going to fix our problem. <br />Roy Saenz, 921 W. Colfax, South Bend — I want to know how this is not circumventing the <br />budget process. If we have 44% compliance that means we have 66% non - compliance, which <br />means out of the Mayor's 1,000 houses that's 660 properties and we are going to spend money <br />ahead of time to mow these as an expense as dollars, that we may not get back. Even though we <br />have a collections process, what do you do when over the last five (5) years with folks that have <br />bought lots under LLC's, corporations, or land trust and are now unable to be tracked back to <br />collect those real dollars? The second question is whose going to keep the city in check for their <br />properties, I have a property adjacent to one of mine, where the cities grass is this high where I <br />maintain the lots around it? <br />Samuel Brown, 222 E. Navarre St., South Bend— I represent the group Citizens United for a <br />Better Government. I am asking you to not pass this ordinance tonight until the city steps up to <br />do their part as it is hard to make homeowners do their part, especially when we have a budget <br />for it. I don't know the reason why they are not doing what they are supposed to do, as you can <br />ride around the city and see it for yourself. Don't put this burden on the citizens of South Bend <br />to do this, let's start where the problem really lies. At 1105 Huey St. I know the guy that cuts <br />that lot, but the lot next door where they took down a house doesn't get cut on a regular basis, <br />what do I do? So please don't pass this law until the city steps up and does their part. <br />Jesse Davis, P.O. Box 10205, South Bend — I was up here last time, I brought up the issue of <br />finding the proper people. I have a property in Mishawaka where I was getting letters from code <br />to mow my grass and cut down trees even though the house had sold in 2013, I did that for two <br />(2) years at my expense. I tracked down the LLC in Colorado that bought my house and asked <br />why they weren't maintaining it and did not transfer over the deed to their name? As code <br />enforcement calls here and the recorder says Mr. Davis is the owner of that property, so I get the <br />fine even though I'm not the owner. There are a lot of other things that come in to play here, as <br />you may be chasing a dead goat. There needs to be other things that need to be looked into, tax <br />sales, deeds... Something needs to be fixed there. You have councilmembers, Dr. Ferlic making <br />12 <br />