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HEALTH & PUBLIC SAFETY JULY 13, 2015 4:35 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Derek Dieter, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Karen White, Valerie Schey <br />Citizen Members Present: Bob Emery (AB) <br />Other Council Present: Tim Scott, Henry Davis (XAB), Dr. David Varner, <br />Oliver Davis (AB), Gavin Ferlic <br />Others Present: SBFD Chief Steve Cox, Mike Schmidt, Randy Wilkerson <br />Agenda: Bill No. 33 -15 Amend Ambulance /Medical Service Fees <br />Bill No. 15 -35 Recommending a Tall Grass /Weed Abatement <br />Pilot Program Focusing on Local Youth with <br />Working Opportunities for the Summer of 2015 <br />Bill No. 18 -15 Hand -held Electronic Device Ban.While Driving <br />Derek Dieter, Chair of the Health and Public Safety Committee, with a full committee present opened <br />the hearing with three items on the agenda. <br />The first, bill 33 -15, was a request from the South Bend Fire Department to increase ambulance user <br />fees. <br />Fire Chief Cox made the presentation. He said the requested increase basically represents the increase <br />in reimbursement amount allowed by Medicare. In response to a question from Councilmember Valerie <br />Schey, the Chief said about 50% of what is billed is collected. <br />After further discussion Valerie motioned for approval. Dr. Ferlic seconded and all affirmed. <br />The next scheduled agenda item bill 15 -35 required acceptance of a substitute bill. This was Ok'd on <br />motions from Valerie Schey and Dr. Ferlic approved by all. <br />This bill sponsored by Tim Scott, Dr. Fred Ferlic, and Karen White would establish a pilot program <br />focusing on youth work opportunities and life skill development while addressing tall grass /weed <br />abatement in the City. <br />Tim Scott, Council President and co- sponsor made the presentation. His presentation was <br />supplemented by Randy Wilkerson, the Director of Code Enforcement and Mike Schmidt, a Deputy City <br />Attorney. <br />It was explained the money to support the pilot program was available. Though the mechanics of the <br />measure were yet to be finalized it was if the pilot effort were successful yet in 2015, the program could <br />be expanded in 2016. Tim went on to point out that the program was designed to be created for youth <br />and a better job of keeping up with overgrown lots would result. <br />Both Dr. Ferlic and Karen White spoke to the advantages of the program designed to address the need <br />to provide youth employment and development of life skills. <br />