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PERSONNEL AND FINANCE COMMITTEE <br />The November 24, 2008 meeting of the Personnel and Finance Committee of the South Bend <br />Common Council was called to order by its Chairperson,-Tom LaFountain at 4:00 p.m. in the <br />Council's Informal Meeting Room. <br />Committee Members present: Oliver J. Davis; David Varner; Citizen Member Roger Hamburg <br />Other's Present: Councilmember's Puzzello; Henry Davis, Mayor Stephen Luecke; Catherine <br />Fanello; Rita Kopala, WNDU; WSBT; Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand; John Voorde <br />AGENDA:. BILL N0.33-08 <br />Bill No. 33-08 allows the Board of Public Works to pay claims allowed by state law in advance of <br />Board allowance at the request of the Controller. The substitute version of 33-08 required the <br />Controller to notify the Council of such a request. <br />Personnel & Finance Chairperson, Tom LaFountain called upon the Controller to briefly explain <br />this bill's purpose. Fanello explained this was a step toward making the City finances more <br />flexible and efficiently operated. <br />Brief discussion followed before Councilmember Varner motioned, Councilmember Oliver Davis <br />seconded to send to full Council favorably. All affirmed. <br />BILL N0.71-08 <br />As explained by Controller Fanello allows the transfer of dormant monies in five separate funds to <br />the general fund. Transferred dollars totaled $66,702.11. <br />On a motion by Councilmember Oliver Davis to recommend to full Council favorably, seconded <br />by Councilmember Varner the committee voted to send the bill with unanimous support. <br />There being no further business to come before the committee, Chairperson LaFountain, <br />adjourned the meeting at 4:04p.m. <br />Respectfull d <br />Tom LaFountain, Chairperson <br />Personnel & Finance <br />