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UTILITIES JUNE 22, 2015 4:34 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Dr. David Varner, Gavin Ferlic, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Derek Dieter <br />Citizen Members Present: Kathleen Petitjean (AB) <br />Other Council Present: Tim Scott, Henry Davis (XAB), Valerie Schey, Karen White, <br />Oliver Davis (4:55) <br />Others Present: Mike Bronstetter, Eric Horvath, Cecil Eastman, John Murphy <br />Agenda: Bill No. 24 -15 Amend Code to Lower Sewer Insurance <br />Deductible <br />Bill No. 25 -15 Amend Code to Require Yard Waste Container <br />Use <br />Bill No. 26 -15 Adjust Fees for Collection of Disposable Refuse <br />Materials <br />The Utilities Committee was called to order at 4:34 by its Chair Dr. David Varner. Full committee was in <br />attendance. Citizen member Kathleen Petitjean was absent. <br />Three bills were on the agenda. The first 24 -15 initiated by the City would lower residential customer <br />deductibles from $500 to $250 for the Sewer Insurance Program. Eric Horvath, Director of Public Works, <br />said a favorable fund balance allowed this reduction. In addition Eric proposed having the City cover up <br />to $1,000 the cost of landscaping and /or sidewalk repair caused by a sewer dig. Previously the City did <br />not foot any of this cost. (See attached) <br />During Council discussion the issue of double - billing as reported by the South Bend Tribune (SBT) was <br />raised. According to the SBT a contractor routinely hired by the City for sewer repair was billing both <br />the homeowner and the City for the work. Eric said there was an independent investigation underway; <br />but no charges had been filed. What concerned the Council most was the fact that the contractor was <br />still bidding on work for the City. The sentiment was that this company not be eligible to bid until the <br />investigation was resolved. <br />With these questions unanswered the Council committee felt the bill should be continued. On <br />unanimously supported motions by Dr. Ferlic and Gavin Ferlic bill 24 -15 was continued until July 27'h <br />The next item, bill 25 -15, was also sponsored by the City and presented by Eric Horvath. The bill would <br />require all residents to use City provided containers for yard waste. Currently the City charges $16.00 <br />per year on a voluntary basis for the containers which are picked up on a weekly basis. Eric Horvath said <br />it was not economically feasible for the City to continue removing yard waste that was not in City <br />furnished containers. <br />The mandatory requirement caused considerable consternation on the part of the Council mostly about <br />adding another charge to the utility bill without a choice. <br />