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Amending Chapter 19 Addressing Tall Grass, Weeds, Noxious Weeds and Rank or Overgrown Vegetation
Common Council
Amending Chapter 19 Addressing Tall Grass, Weeds, Noxious Weeds and Rank or Overgrown Vegetation
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Last modified
6/25/2015 11:02:07 AM
Creation date
6/25/2015 10:11:10 AM
City Council - City Clerk
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City Counci - Date
Ord-Res Number
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Ordinance on Tall Grass, Weeds, Etc. <br />Page 2 <br />This ordinance permits native grasses and planting for ecological restoration and to further natural <br />landscaping subject to existing setback regulations and safety considerations. The Common Council <br />recognizes that there are private and public benefits resulting from the maintenance of properties, and that <br />well maintained properties enhance the vibrancy of the neighborhoods and the overall welfare of the City. <br />The Common Council, in collaboration with the City Administration, believe that the following <br />ordinance is in the best interest of preserving and protecting the public health, safety and welfare of the <br />City of South Bend, Indiana. <br />�n> mere, G n.� r�laGiter/ /r�! /e ?a......... aroieei(n� / /re ,YY�- rr! /e � ciu /, .7�limua, ml�( /errs: <br />Section I. Chapter 19, Article 2, Section 19 -32 through Section 19 -35 of the South Bend <br />Municipal Code is amended to read in its entirety as follows: <br />ARTICLE 2. ABATEMENT REGULATIONS ADDRESSING TALL GRASS <br />WEEDS, NOXIOUS WEEDS, AND RANK OR OVERGROWN VEGETATION <br />Sec. 19 -32 Definitions. <br />For purposes of this Article, the following definitions shall apply' <br />(a) City shall mean the City of South Bend, Indiana. <br />(b) Enforcement Authority shall mean the Department of Code Enforcement <br />(c) Hydrophytic vegetation are plants living in wdtlands governed by the federal Clean <br />Water Act. <br />(d) Natural landscaping vegetation shall mean native or beneficial landscaping vegetation <br />which helps balance the needs and sense of beauty with those of nature by protecting existing <br />natural areas reduces the use of pesticides practices soil and water conservation reduces the use <br />of power landscape equipment, and helps reduce heating/cooling needs Natural landscaping <br />vegetation requires the property owner to have a current wildlife habitat certification which must <br />be shown and presented to the City's Enforcement Authority, in the event that the property <br />becomes subject to a complaint or inspection .2 <br />' The website of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) www.wetlands.IN.sov sets forth <br />the governing regulations consistent with the federal Clean Water Act. <br />z The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5 which includes Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio <br />and Wisconsin has published a "Natural Landscaping Resource List", and has published articles on `Beneficial <br />Landscaping" copies of which are on file in the Office of the City Clerk. Some examples of natural landscaping <br />include native plants and vegetation, prairie wildflowers, ornamental grasses, and native woodlands. Wildlife Habitat <br />Certification which is required by this ordinance has information available at ht!p:Hvw .indianawildlife org/habitat- <br />proQrams /wilfdlife - friendly- certification - program . The City shall maintain a link to such information on their <br />website. <br />
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