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COMMUNITY INVESTMENT <br />Committee Members Present: <br />Citizen Members Present: <br />Other Council Present: <br />Others Present: <br />Agenda: <br />MAY 11, 2015 3:50 P.M. <br />Gavin Ferlic, Henry Davis (XAB), Dr. David Varner, <br />Dr. Fred Ferlic <br />Bob Emery, Patrick Mullin (AB) <br />Tim Scott, Valerie Schey, Oliver Davis (XAB), <br />Karen White, Derek Dieter <br />Brock Zeeb, Sam Centellas, Brian Pawlowski, Dan Kruk, <br />Cecil Eastman, Jacob Alexander <br />Bill 15 -30 Kruk Electric, LLC 3702 W. Sample St. <br />5 Yr. Personal Property Tax Abatement <br />Bill 15 -31 JSK Development, Inc. 111 St. Joseph St. <br />2 Yr. Vacant Building Abatement <br />Bill 15 -32 JSK Development Inc. 111 St. Joseph St. <br />9 Yr. Real Property Tax Abatement <br />Bill 15 -33 Tampico Development, LLC <br />Crescent Oaks, Section Three <br />5 Yr. Residential Tax Abatement <br />With a quorum present Community Investment Chairman Gavin Ferlic called the meeting to order. Four <br />bills were listed on the agenda. <br />The first, bill 15 -30, was a petition for a 5 year personal property abatement for Kruk Electric. <br />Jacob Alexander from Community Investment Department (CID) made the presentation. He said Kruk <br />Electric had been in the Sample Street Business Complex for 12 years. They produce components for <br />both the medical industry in Warsaw and the automotive industry in Fort Wayne. Increased business <br />warranted the investment in new production equipment and would create four new jobs. <br />Dan Kruk the owner of Kruk Electric was present to answer questions. <br />After brief discussion the bill was forwarded with a favorable recommendation after appropriate <br />motions by Dr. Fred Ferlic and Valerie Schey which were supported by all. <br />Gavin then said the next three bills on the agenda, bill 15 -31, 15 -32, and 15 -33 all abatement petitions, <br />would not be heard in that the Community Investment Department had sent a request they be <br />continued until the next Council meeting on May 26th. <br />Dr. Fred Ferlic so moved. Valerie Schey seconded and all acquiesced. <br />